I have been working on this site to EVE Mobile ISK reveal price histories for each the things in Eve Echoes. I currently only have history for the past week or so. I'm going to keep on improving with this, so if anyone has opinions I'd really like to hear it!The volumes are of what? Trades? If this is so, I've looked at some things that I exchange and I have sold way in excess of the proposed volumes in the previous two days. Where are you obtaining the data?

You can see my other comment, but I am just estimating volume based on comparing the number of sells/buys each time I check each thing (and attempting to keep an eye on orders that are exactly the same both times). It certainly under-estimates the volumes due to transactions which are created and fulfilled in between those two checks. It is maybe more helpful to have the ability to see relative data for the time being. Also, the numbers you see are for ~3 hour collections (I already have a TODO to add up the last day's worth of amounts ), which might explain why they seem low. For those who have better ideas about the best way to estimate it, I'd really like to hear them! That was the best way I could think of to test given the information that I have.

How did you get this information, particularly on volume?Volume is just estimated, but it is basically only calculated by assessing the amount of buy/sells for any given item vs. the last time I checked for that merchandise. For the other information, I am basically just scraping the data from the game. I'm unsure exactly what is allowed, so I'm not sure if I should give out more details.As a fellow programmer (full stack) I'd really like to know more about how you did that! I had downloaded wireshark to test myself but I'm afraid my current knowledge ends there. Was looking into scrutinizing the packets but that is as far as I've gotten.

I would also love to help out if you've got a repository?I've made a discord bot that looks at costs of everything and figures out what's most profitable to manufacture. The only reason I am not releasing out to the crazy since it is hard to update the industry prices.Would like be to understand how you're getting prices, or maybe only getting a feed from you.Just want to add. You are awesome. Obtaining reliable market feed may unlock so many matters. I have so many ideas that are blocked because of lack of market information.

Educated guess: utilizing blue piles and scraping the marketplace data file.That's how the 3rd party EO market tools work.There is no way to cheap eve echoes isk observe the document system on unrooted/non-jailbroken telephones etc.You probably pull from the files that the client dumps in json on the local drive.