Identity V is an asymmetric competitive mobile game.

The gameplay of the game is novel and unique.
Players are divided into two camps: the supervisor and the survivor. The supervisor has powerful abilities and his goal is to hunt down and eliminate as many survivors as possible; the survivors need to cooperate to complete the decryption of the cipher machine and open the escape door to escape from the manor.

Unique painting style
The Tim Burton-style Gothic painting style is used to create a mysterious and thrilling atmosphere. The characters in the game have their characteristics, with different skills and background stories. The scene design is rich and diverse, which increases the strategy and fun of the game.

If you also want to join the fifth identity, mmowow accounts can help you. The following is a detailed introduction to the perfumer in the survivor camp of the fifth identity:

Background story:
Vera Nair, also known as The Perfumer, is a charming and mysterious woman. She was born into a wealthy family and was deeply loved by her parents. However, the bankruptcy of her family forced her to face reality, and eventually became a perfumer. She tried to find the lost good memories and happiness by mixing perfumes.

Vera got inspiration from a mysterious perfume formula and created a unique "Forget Worry Fragrance". People who smell this fragrance will be immersed in it and forget themselves. But the aftertaste of the perfume is very short-lived, and no matter how she improves it, she can't keep it. Finally, the perfumer's obsession with perfection led her to the source of the formula-Oletus Manor.

Appearance characteristics:

27-year-old Vera is noble and elegant in the game. She has an exquisite bun and wears a sophisticated black veil and purple evening dress.


The perfumer is positioned as a containment survivor. She can use perfume to trace back her position and status to avoid the pursuit of the supervisor.


1. Forget Worry Fragrance: The perfumer sprays "Forget Worry Fragrance" to enter the immersive state and record her status and position at the moment. During the duration of the skill, the perfumer can choose to forget anything that happened during this period and return to the state and position at the time of recording. As a producer, the perfumer has an additional number of perfume uses.

2. Amnesia: Perfumers often use the scent of forgetfulness and suffer from amnesia. When the calibration password fails, the decoding logic will be lost, and the progress of regression is 3 times that of ordinary survivors.

3. Odor sensitivity: Perfumers are sensitive to smells and do not like the odors produced by medical equipment. The time required for treatment increases by 30%.


Vera's main tool is her perfume bottle, which is used to release hypnotic perfume for self-rescue and escape.


1. Use of perfume: Perfumer's perfume is her core skill. Reasonable use of perfume can make her play a huge role in the game. For example, when being chased by the supervisor, the perfumer can use perfume to trace back to the previous position to avoid the supervisor's attack; when decoding, the perfumer can use perfume to avoid calibration failure.

2. Teamwork: Perfumers need to cooperate with teammates in the game. For example, when rescuing people, perfumers can use perfume to attract the attention of the supervisor and buy time for teammates; when decoding, perfumers can decode with teammates to increase decoding speed.

3. Observe the supervisor: The perfumer needs to observe the supervisor's position and actions at all times to respond in time. For example, when the supervisor approaches, the perfumer can use perfume to trace back to a safe position; when the supervisor uses a skill, the perfumer can use perfume to avoid the attack of the skill.


1. Backtracking ability: The perfumer's perfume allows her to trace back to her previous position and state, which makes her very flexible when avoiding the pursuit of the supervisor.

2. Strong containment ability: The perfumer can use perfume to attract the attention of the supervisor and buy time for teammates. Her containment ability is relatively strong in the survivor camp.

3. Fast decoding speed: The perfumer's decoding speed is relatively fast, which allows her to complete the decoding task faster in the game.


1. High difficulty of operation: The perfumer's perfume requires players to master the timing and skills of use, otherwise it is easy to be caught by the supervisor.

2. Slow healing: The perfumer is sensitive to smells and doesn't like the odors produced by medical equipment. The time required for healing increases by 30%, which makes her need to recover longer after being injured.

3. Difficult calibration: The perfumer will lose the decoding logic when the calibration password fails, and the progress of regression is 3 times that of ordinary survivors, which makes her need to be more cautious when decoding.

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The above is the introduction to Vera's role, I hope it will be helpful to you.