PUBG is a multiplayer online tactical competitive game. Players fight for survival in a large-scale open world. By collecting weapons, equipment, and tactical supplies, they compete with other players until they become the last survivors. The game is famous for its exciting rhythm and highly free gameplay. It has diverse map designs and realistic environments. It provides a wealth of tactical options and multiple game modes, making it a classic competitive game loved by players around the world. If you want to participate, come to mmowow accounts.

Game classic mode:
Single-player mode: Players participate in the battle alone and compete for the last survivor.
Two-player mode: Two players form a team to fight against other players.
Four-player team mode: Four players form a team to fight cooperatively and strive for victory.
There are also special modes: tactical competition mode, which limits the use of specific types of weapons or equipment to increase tactical depth; desert mode: the map environment and weather conditions are different from the normal mode, increasing the challenge; sniper war mode: focusing on sniper weapons Use, promote players' precision shooting skills and more.
map background
The Miramar map has a dramatic backstory. Former television producer Hector Ochoa launched a race for survival called "Rush to Death" to take back the land from the syndicate. After years of hard work, Ochoa has successfully built Miramar into a unique PUBG battlefield, attracting players from all over the world to challenge.

Map features

Miramar's terrain is mainly flat desert and lacks a large number of natural shelters. Players need to pay more attention to using terrain and buildings for cover and concealment on this map.
The flat terrain makes long-distance battles the norm, allowing snipers to take full advantage of them.

Scarce cover:
There are fewer natural bunkers on the map, except for buildings in cities and villages. Players need to flexibly use vehicles and man-made obstacles to provide temporary cover.
This environment forces players to constantly move and adjust their position to avoid being targeted by enemy snipers.

Sniper's paradise:
Wide views and long-range shooting opportunities make Miramar a sniper's paradise. Players who are good at long-range shooting can gain a significant advantage on this map.
Players often set up sniper points on high ground or on the roofs of buildings to suppress enemies with long-range shots.

main material point
Features: Picardo is one of the most resource-rich areas on the Miramar map. There are a large number of buildings, casinos, and arenas suitable for quickly collecting equipment.
Risks: Due to the abundant supplies, many players are parachuting into Picardo in the early stage, with fierce competition and frequent battles.

San Martin:
Features: St. Martin is another resource-rich city with a large number of buildings and good views, suitable for mid-range combat.
Risks: Densely built buildings are prone to ambush, so search carefully.

Los Leones:
Features: Los Leon is the largest city on the map, rich in supplies and diverse architectural structures.
Risks: The urban area is vast and it is easy to get lost and encounter enemy ambush. You need to be vigilant when searching.

Cantabrava (Campo Militar):
Features: This area has high-quality military supplies and is a good place to obtain high-end weapons and armor.
Risk: Far away from the center of the map, it is easy to be forced by the poisonous circle, and it needs to be collected and moved quickly.

Cantona (El Pozo):
Features: Famous for its vast arena and industrial area, rich in supplies and complex layout.
Risk: prone to ambush, need to be highly vigilant when searching.

Generally speaking, the distribution of resources in the Miramar map is roughly as follows:

- S-level red zone: very rich in resources, such as Picado, villas, Lion City, Ipoma, and military bases. These places usually have high-end weapons, equipment, and props, but they are also battlegrounds for military strategists, where competition is fierce and battles are prone to occur.
- Grade A green zone: average resources, large urban areas, such as Orange Blossom Town, Impala Town, etc. The supplies in these places are relatively abundant and can meet basic equipment needs, but it may take some time to search.
- C-level blue zone: resources are relatively scarce and urban areas are small, such as coastal towns, Port Port, etc. There are fewer buildings and fewer supplies in these places, but they are relatively safe and suitable for players who like steady development.

- Partona: Located in the northwest of the map, it is a traditional village consisting of a market and a square. It replaced the original area of ​​Loshigos on the southern island and had a novel architectural style. The efficiency of item collection in this area is similar to that of Loshigos, and a bridge has been added to facilitate players' access to the southern island more smoothly.
- Resort: Located in the south of the Lion City, it looks like an abandoned shelter and is located on a hill. Here you can overlook the scenery of the sea to the south, and the positions of buildings and roads have been adjusted. The developers have optimized the area and removed the field portion to make it more suitable for collecting items.
- Truck Stop: The new area, located in the east of the map, is a rest stop for trucks transporting various supplies. It replaces the original Junkyard area and consists of roads and dirt roads connecting and traversing the Truck Stop, with the surrounding terrain also being optimized.
- Alcantara: The positions of buildings and roads in City A have been adjusted, and the cathedral has been replaced by scattered small buildings.
- Brick Yard: The overall structure of the Brick Yard has not changed much. It consists of several large brick buildings and industrial facilities surrounded by desert terrain. There are abundant weapons and equipment resources in the Brick Factory, but it is also easy to attract other players to compete for them.

Here are some tips for growing on the Miramar map:

- Choose a suitable landing point: Try to choose a place far away from popular areas, such as the edge of the map or a remote small village. This reduces competition with other players and allows more time to collect resources.
- Quick search: When hunting in the wild, search buildings as quickly as possible to collect weapons, ammunition, protective equipment, and other necessary supplies. Prioritize homes that are easy to search for, such as a small one-story bungalow or a small warehouse.
- Pay attention to vehicles: The Miramar map is large, and poison escape is very important, so be careful to find vehicles. Try to choose an off-road-friendly vehicle such as a bungee or a motorcycle to move quickly in the desert terrain.
- Plan the route: During the wild game, plan the search route to avoid repeated searches or missing important areas. You can choose an appropriate route based on the resource distribution and terrain characteristics on the map.
- Stay vigilant: Although the jungle is relatively safe, you still need to remain vigilant and pay attention to your surroundings. Avoid exposing yourself in open areas and try to use terrain and buildings for cover.
- Use time wisely: Try to collect enough resources before the safe zone shrinks. If you have enough time, consider exploring some of the more remote areas, but be aware of the location and timing of poison circles.
- Teamwork: If you are a team jungler, you must pay attention to teamwork. Division of labor, mutual support, and improved search efficiency and security.
- Observe airdrops: Airdrops usually attract other players, and if you have enough strength and confidence, you can try to grab the airdrops. But be aware of the enemies around you to avoid getting into dangerous situations.

Jungle development requires a certain amount of patience and strategy and must be flexibly adjusted according to the actual situation. At the same time, you must continue to improve your gaming skills and awareness to achieve better results on the Miramar map.
In addition, some high-level resource points will be randomly refreshed on the map, such as unfinished buildings, specific buildings, or areas, and these places may have better weapons and equipment. However, it should be noted that the resource distribution may change as the game is updated and adjusted. Players can choose appropriate landing points and search strategies based on the actual situation. At the same time, rational use of vehicles can move and collect resources faster.

Tactical advice

Highland use:
The terrain of Miramar is mostly flat and highland. Players should try to occupy the high ground to gain visual advantages and strike at enemies from a distance.
Vehicle use:
Vehicles are particularly important in Miramar due to the wide open map and scattered buildings. Players should obtain vehicles as early as possible to quickly move and collect supplies.
Tactical movement:
When moving in open areas, players should try to stay close to the bunker and use the terrain to block their movement route to avoid being hit by snipers.
In team mode, reasonable division of labor and mutual protection are particularly important. The sniper should be responsible for long-range suppression, while other team members are responsible for searching for supplies and covering.

Want to know more, cheap pubg mobile uc can help you.
In PUBG Mobile, UC is an in-game currency. Purchasing UC can be used to obtain the following main services and items:
Purchase skins and clothing: Use UC to purchase various exquisite weapon skins, clothing, helmets, and bags in the game to personalize the appearance of your character.
Unlock the battle pass and level up: By purchasing the battle pass through UC, players can get additional missions, rewards, and props to help increase their in-game level and experience.
Purchase limited-time offers and gift packs: PUBG Mobile often launches various limited-time offers and special gift packs. You can use UC to purchase these gift packs and obtain rare items and props.
Participating in carousels and lottery activities: Carousels and lottery activities in the game usually require the use of UC as a condition of participation, and there is a chance to obtain rare weapons, props, or skins.
By purchasing UC, players can enhance in-game personalization and competitive advantage, deepen the gaming experience, and support the continuous updating and development of the game.
Miramar map provides players with a different gaming experience from Erangel with its unique terrain and background story. The wide field of vision, sparse bunkers, and abundant supply points allow snipers to show off their skills here. By making proper use of terrain, vehicles, and teamwork, players can achieve the key to survival and victory in this desert.