Identity V is an asymmetric competitive mobile game. Come to mmowow gold and have a look!

The gameplay of the game is novel and unique.
Players are divided into two camps: supervisors and survivors. Supervisors have powerful abilities, and their goal is to hunt down and eliminate as many survivors as possible; survivors need to cooperate to complete the decryption of the cipher machine and open the escape door to escape from the manor.

Unique painting style
The Tim Burton-style Gothic painting style is used to create a mysterious and thrilling atmosphere. The characters in the game have their characteristics, with different skills and background stories. The scene design is rich and diverse, which increases the strategy and fun of the game.

The following is a guide about the gardener in Identity V:

1. Introduction to the role

The gardener is a survivor character in Identity V. Her main task is to decrypt the cipher machine, rescue teammates, and help teammates escape. The gardener has the following external characteristics:

1.  Dexterity: The gardener carries a toolbox with him, which can destroy the carnival chair in the scene, making it unusable by the supervisor.
2. Guardian: The gardener can obtain a damage resistance effect within 50 seconds after the game starts. This effect disappears when attacked by the supervisor or when the duration ends. After 20 seconds after the damage resistance disappears, you can recall it by standing still for 2 seconds (repairing the machine and moving will not trigger this effect) and obtain another 5 seconds of the damage resistance effect. Each successful recall will delay the next recall time by another 10 seconds.
3. Sense of security: The gardener is familiar with the structure of the carnival chair, and the take-off speed on the carnival chair can be slowed down by 10%.
4. Manor old friend: veterans who have participated in the game are more alert than newcomers after being attacked, and the acceleration time obtained after each attack is extended by 2 seconds.

2. Skill analysis

1. Dexterity: The core skill of the gardener, which can destroy the carnival chair and buy more time for teammates. When using this skill, you need to pay attention to the following points:

- The gardener can destroy the carnival chair when it is not used by the supervisor, or when teammates are tied to the carnival chair.
- It takes a certain amount of time to destroy the Carnival Chair. During the destruction process, the gardener will expose his position and be easily discovered by the supervisor.
- The gardener can avoid the supervisor's attack by making reasonable use of terrain and obstacles while destroying the Carnival Chair.

2. Guard: The gardener's self-protection skill can resist one attack from the supervisor within a certain period. When using this skill, you need to pay attention to the following points:

- The gardener needs to use the Guard skill before being attacked by the supervisor, otherwise the skill will not take effect.
- The duration of the Guard skill is short, and the gardener needs to get out of the supervisor's attack range as soon as possible during the skill duration.
- The gardener can extend the duration of the Guard skill by making reasonable use of terrain and obstacles while avoiding the supervisor's attack.

3. Sense of Security: The gardener's passive skill can slow down the take-off speed on the Carnival Chair. When using this skill, you need to pay attention to the following points:

- The gardener needs to be tied to the Carnival Chair to play the effect of the Sense of Security skill.
- The effect of the Sense of Security skill can be superimposed with the skill effects of other survivors, such as the Strong skill of the Air Force.
- The gardener can extend the time he stays on the carnival chair by making reasonable use of terrain and obstacles while waiting for rescue from teammates.

4. Manor Friend: The gardener's passive skill can extend the acceleration time obtained after each attack. When using this skill, you need to pay attention to the following points:

- The gardener needs to be attacked by the supervisor before the effect of the Manor Friend skill can be exerted.
- The effect of the Manor Friend skill can be superimposed with the skill effects of other survivors, such as the forward's rugby player skill.
- The gardener can extend the acceleration time and avoid the supervisor's attack by making reasonable use of terrain and obstacles.

III. Talent recommendation

1. Back to health: When all the cipher machines are deciphered, the survivor can instantly recover to a healthy state and gain a 50% movement speed bonus for 5 seconds. This talent can help the gardener escape the pursuit of the supervisor at a critical moment.
2. Broken window theory: When the survivor crosses the window, he will gain a 50% movement speed bonus for 3 seconds. This talent can help the gardener quickly cross the window and avoid the attack of the supervisor when being chased by the supervisor.
3. Knee-jerk reflex: When the survivor crosses the board, he will get a 30% movement speed bonus for 3 seconds. This talent can help the gardener quickly cross the board and avoid the attack of the supervisor when being chased by the supervisor.
4. Walking in the cloud: When the duration of the footprints left by the survivor is reduced by 1/2/3 seconds. This talent can help the gardener reduce the footprints left when being chased by the supervisor and reduce the probability of being discovered by the supervisor.

IV. Gameplay skills

1. Deciphering the cipher machine: The main task of the gardener is to decipher the cipher machine, so it is necessary to find the cipher machine and decipher it as soon as possible. When deciphering the cipher machine, you need to pay attention to the following points:

- The gardener can use the skill of ingenuity to destroy the nearby carnival chair to create a safer deciphering environment for himself and his teammates.
- The gardener can cooperate with teammates to decipher the cipher machine together to improve the deciphering efficiency.
- Gardeners need to pay attention to the position of the supervisor to avoid being discovered by the supervisor when deciphering the cipher machine.

2. Rescue teammates: When teammates are caught by the supervisor and tied to the carnival chair, the gardener needs to rescue them as soon as possible. When rescuing teammates, pay attention to the following points:

- Gardeners can use the skill of ingenuity to destroy the carnival chair to buy more time for teammates.
- Gardeners need to pay attention to the position of the supervisor to avoid being discovered by the supervisor when rescuing teammates.
- Gardeners can cooperate with teammates to rescue teammates and improve rescue efficiency.

3. Assist teammates to escape: When teammates successfully escape the pursuit of the supervisor, the gardener needs to assist teammates to escape. When assisting teammates to escape, pay attention to the following points:

- Gardeners can use the skill of ingenuity to destroy nearby obstacles to create a safer escape environment for teammates.
- Gardeners can cooperate with teammates to escape the pursuit of the supervisor.
- Gardeners need to pay attention to the position of the supervisor to avoid being discovered by the supervisor when assisting teammates to escape.

However, the gardener has the following weaknesses in the game:

1. Decoding speed: The gardener's basic decryption speed has no special bonus. In the simple cipher machine decryption work, compared with the mechanic and other decryption specialist characters, the efficiency is lower.

2. Limited self-protection ability: Although the gardener has the damage resistance effect of "guarding", the duration and triggering conditions are limited. In addition, the cooldown time and triggering conditions of this skill are relatively strict. Facing the continuous pursuit of the supervisor, it is difficult for the gardener to rely on this skill to escape for a long time.

3. The risk of chair dismantling: In the process of dismantling the carnival chair, the gardener will expose his position and be easily discovered and pursued by the supervisor. In addition, the dismantling of the carnival chair will attract the attention of the supervisor, and the supervisor may give priority to the pursuit of the gardener.

4. Less team gain: Compared with the prophet, priest, and other characters who can provide vision, channel, and other gain effects for the team, the gardener has relatively less overall gain effect on the team, and plays a more important role in local chair dismantling and rescue.
5. General board and window interaction ability: Gardeners do not have special bonuses in board and window interaction like mercenaries and forwards, and do not have advantages when using boards and windows to deal with supervisors.

V. Precautions

1. Pay attention to the position of the supervisor: Gardeners need to pay attention to the position of the supervisor at all times to avoid being discovered by the supervisor. When performing operations such as deciphering cipher machines, rescuing teammates, and assisting teammates to escape, you need to observe the position of the supervisor first to ensure your safety.
2. Rational use of terrain and obstacles: Gardeners can use terrain and obstacles to avoid the attacks of supervisors while performing operations such as deciphering cipher machines, rescuing teammates, and assisting teammates to escape. In the game, you need to be familiar with the terrain and obstacles on the map and use them reasonably to protect yourself and your teammates.
3. Cooperate with teammates: Gardeners need to cooperate with teammates to complete game tasks together. In the game, you need to keep communicating with your teammates, jointly formulate game strategies, and improve the game-winning rate.

The above is a guide about the fifth personality gardener, I hope it will be helpful to you.
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