Really loving all these art posts...I'd love to Phantasy Star Online 2 Meseta get my character attracted these days. Sadly I haven't settled on a specific look (or set of appearances ) which I am pleased with. Which is frustrating considering she is based off of one of my standing OC's. That is actually amazing, and when I could jump on a single outfit for more than an hour, I would totally commission one as well

Yo this man didn't wish to acknowledge that Microsoft is actually the sole reason PSO2 got localized. I'd be pissed if I was Microsoft. If they stated the other business was needed to make them do it, it'd still be bad PR because it reveals how reluctant they were to do it. This interview shouldn't exist. Really shows how uninterested they were in localization. They compensated for PSO2 but let's be real, if it stayed on the Microsoft shop it'd be dead by decades end. They compensated for PSO2 but let's be real, if it stayed on the Microsoft store it'd be dead by decades end. Those who really wanted to play the game could have gone through the hassle, and stayed with the tweaker.

Every game that's ever been around the MS shop has expired. Doesnt seem like it. There are lots (me being one, 2 friends being 2 more) that still use the MS store version. Mainly because of the sport pass. I didn't say expired immediately, but almost every game in the store dies within a year. Many good games have had MS strangle them with this particular store to departure. Nevertheless, they did wind up putting it on steam at least instead of letting it expire in the MS shop, but this guy had no fascination with putting out at the west in the first location. Were there other surveys elsewhere? Surely none 8 years ago, right? Tho I was definitely there creating sound back then when information was being indicated to get a NA release. There's really some truth to this legend. The SEA variant had an English language option added to it at a certain point. However from what I've read it was an absolute travesty (renaming Force into Wizard?!)

NA localization resembles a rush job though. Gods be surgical. Apparently they were translated according to regional knowledge/culture, and hence those stupid names. The story script is just nice however, barring the occasional typo? Like come on there is some dumb script issues in the game here and there but that the Arks-Layer translation is simply serviceable, not worthy of being set up on cheap PSO2 Meseta a pedestal over a formal translation effort. Y'know, as they legit just mentioned; Most item descriptions are entirely devoid, multiple times I have found quests who is translation is dodgy at best, Falzpawn is WAY harder to say than"Darker", and NA Afin exists.