Navigating life with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can present unique challenges, but finding a supportive community can make a significant difference. A network of understanding individuals not only provides emotional support but also practical advice and shared experiences that can be invaluable. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to find a supportive ADHD community.

Understanding the Importance of Community

Before diving into where and how to find a supportive ADHD symptoms community, it's crucial to understand why such a community is essential. ADHD can affect various aspects of life, including organization, focus, and relationships. A supportive community offers a space where you can share experiences, gain insights, and receive encouragement from those who truly understand the struggles and strengths associated with ADHD.

Online Forums and Social Media Groups

ADHD-Specific Forums

The internet has become a treasure trove of resources for those seeking support. Online forums dedicated to ADHD are abundant and can provide a wealth of information. Websites like ADDitude, Reddit, and CHADD (Children and Adults with ADHD) host forums where users can post questions, share personal stories, and offer advice. These forums often feature sub-groups based on specific topics or demographics, allowing for more targeted support.

Social Media Groups

Social media platforms are another excellent way to connect with others who have ADHD. Facebook, for example, has numerous groups dedicated to ADHD. These groups range from general support communities to those focusing on particular aspects of ADHD, such as parenting with ADHD or managing ADHD in the workplace. Join these groups and actively participate in discussions to build connections.

Local Support Groups

Finding Local Groups

For those who prefer face-to-face interaction, local support groups can be incredibly beneficial. To find a local ADHD support group, start by checking with local mental health organizations, hospitals, or community centers. Many cities have ADHD support groups that meet regularly to discuss challenges, share strategies, and provide emotional support.

Attending ADHD Meetups is a valuable resource for finding local gatherings related to ADHD. You can search for ADHD-specific meetups or broader mental health meetups that may include discussions on ADHD. Attending these meetups allows you to connect with others in your area and build a local support network.

Professional and Educational Resources

ADHD Coaches and Therapists

ADHD coaches and therapists often have connections with ADHD support groups or can recommend local resources. These professionals specialize in helping individuals with ADHD and can provide guidance on finding communities that best fit your needs. They can also facilitate introductions to other individuals or groups that may be beneficial.

Workshops and Conferences

Look for workshops and conferences on ADHD, as these events often attract a community of individuals who share similar experiences. Attending these events provides opportunities to learn from experts and connect with others facing similar challenges. Conferences often have networking sessions or social events designed to foster connections among attendees.

Online Courses and Support Platforms

Virtual Support Networks

Online platforms offer virtual support networks where you can engage with others in a structured setting. Websites like ADHD Tribe or The ADHD Coach Academy provide online courses and forums that focus on various aspects of managing ADHD. These platforms often include access to a community of individuals who are also navigating ADHD, creating an environment of shared learning and support.

Webinars and Live Chats

Participating in webinars and live chats hosted by ADHD organizations can also be a way to connect with others. These events typically include interactive elements, such as Q&A sessions, where you can engage directly with speakers and fellow participants.

Engaging with ADHD Advocacy Groups

National and Local ADHD Organizations

National ADHD organizations like CHADD and ADHD Coaches Organization often have local chapters or affiliated groups. Getting involved with these organizations can provide access to a broader network of individuals and resources. Many of these groups offer newsletters, events, and online communities designed to support those with ADHD.

Volunteering and Advocacy

Volunteering with ADHD advocacy groups can be a great way to meet others while contributing to the cause. By participating in advocacy efforts, you not only gain a sense of purpose but also connect with individuals who share a commitment to improving the lives of those with ADHD. This involvement can lead to deeper connections and a strong sense of community.

Creating Your Own ADHD Community

Starting a Support Group

If you’re unable to find a supportive ADHD community that meets your needs, consider starting your own support group. You can initiate a local group by reaching out to others with ADHD through online forums, social media, or community centers. Creating a space where individuals can share their experiences and support each other can be incredibly rewarding.

Hosting ADHD Events

Organize events or workshops focused on ADHD topics. This could include guest speakers, group discussions, or skill-building workshops. By hosting such events, you provide a platform for others to connect and learn, fostering a sense of community and support.

Tips for Building and Maintaining Relationships

Be Active and Engaged

Whether online or in person, active participation is key to building strong connections. Share your experiences, offer support to others, and be open to receiving advice. Engaging in discussions and attending meetings regularly helps to solidify relationships and maintain a supportive network.

Respect Boundaries and Differences

treatment of ADHD affects everyone differently, and it’s important to respect each individual’s unique experience. Approach discussions with empathy and understanding, and be mindful of personal boundaries. Creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued enhances the overall support network.


Finding a supportive ADHD community involves exploring various resources, from online forums to local groups and professional networks. By actively engaging with these communities and seeking out resources tailored to your needs, you can build a network that offers both emotional and practical support. Remember, the journey to finding a supportive community may take time, but the connections and support you gain will be well worth the effort. Whether you’re sharing experiences, gaining insights, or simply finding a space where you belong, a supportive ADHD community can significantly enhance your quality of life.