Cryptos are not a currency, while it may have money characteristics, it should not just be treated as such. It is something different, and to label it simply as a currency and bring it within the IMF purview could have disastrous consequences. What can be said is that the crypto-currency market could look very different ten years from now.

Immediate Edge

TradeBlock’s estimated post-halving cost of $12,525 assumes the network’s current processing power, known as the “hash rate,” stays at its current level. The analysis also assumes an electricity price of 6 U.S. cents per kilowatt-hour, which is higher than the roughly 2 cents that some big crypto-mining firms say they can get from the local grid or through wholesale purchasing agreements. In a new report, the crypto-focused research firm TradeBlock estimates the average cost to mine a single bitcoin could jump to $12,525 after the halving, expected in May. Essentially, miners will have to run twice the number of computations, with a corresponding increase in electricity usage, to get the same amount of bitcoin they’re getting now. fragmented, short term margin trading options in order to reduce volatility, facilitate scale and put the financial infrastructure for this ecosystem on par with other asset classes.

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