Game Designer and World of Warcraft veteran Chris Kaleiki has left Blizzard Entertainment. The motive for WOW Classic Items leaving become the modern-day country of the game. Kalki doesn’t just like the route of the challenge, and the release of WoW Classic best reinforced his opinion.

Chris Kaleyki released a video wherein he instructed why he left “Blizzard”. The factor is that his vision of the future of World of Warcraft is different from how Blizzard perspectives the project.

According to the sport fashion designer, WoW had  strengths which have lost relevance over time: guilds, which advocated lively verbal exchange and interplay between users, and a storyline, where the player became the key man or woman. And inside the ultra-modern expansions, the studio is trying to make its MMORPG comfortable for singles and form the story in a totally one-of-a-kind manner.