As 2020 attracts to a close and the Christmas celebrations wind down in Animal Crossing: New Horizons for Nintendo Switch, it’s almost time for some bugs and fish to Buy Nook Miles Tickets depart out of your respective islands.

Thanks to Polygon, they’ve collated a listing of what’s leaving in January and the lists are break up between the northern and southern hemispheres. Remember, a few won’t be returning for almost a whole yr so make sure to spend some time catching what you want (even as consuming the ones festive leftovers) whilst you still can.

Thanks to beyond Animal Crossing: New Horizons updates, Timmy and Tommy every so often have a special pedestal in Nook’s Cranny. On the shelf are seasonal objects that might correspond to special occasions. Well, since we’ve entered the vacation season, there are now Animal Crossing toys on show to shop for. These are meant to be used as Toy Day presents for your villagers on December 24, 2020. The Able Sisters save is likewise selling a Santa Suit.