Electronic Arts has discovered all-new SpongeBob SquarePants content material for Madden NFL 21. In The Yard, gamers may be able to test out the new SpongeBob Reef-Top location, which capabilities a plethora of imagery of the character, in addition to Madden NFL 21 Coins  Nickelodeon branding.

Players can see the Krusty Krab close by, at the same time as a SpongeBob waft and the Nickelodeon balloon can be discovered inside the air. Completing challenges inside the place will permit players to liberate one-of-a-kind tools primarily based on the series, in addition to new recreation modes. The timing of the event appears to coincide with this weekend's NFL Wild Card recreation with a view to air concurrently on CBS and Nickelodeon.

The SpongeBob content will characteristic three new modes in general: The Flying Dutchman's Ghostly Grab, Sandy's Rocket Arm Rally, and The Goo Lagoon Bowl. In The Flying Dutchman's Ghostly Grab, gamers can be able to leap better, making marvelous catches. Long touchdowns additionally result in Madden 21 Coins  bonus factors. In Sandy's Rocket Arm Rally, gamers could be able to throw passes eighty yards and longer. Last however no longer least, The Goo Lagoon Bowl has players transferring in sluggish motion.