My last idea is a clan chat owner can select"inviters" which can invite people in clan proprietor clan chat. The RS gold inviters acts the exact same manner as who can kick in the clan conversation (I meen when you pull up the clan chat alternative, clan proprietor can select who has in order to kick). Case in point: dawgsaysftw invites chaosor in zezima's clan chat. Zezima can accept the invitation so chaosor can input , or he can deny that, so chaosor can't join. I am sorry but I forgot the rest of my ideas, so until I remember them, have a wonderful weekend.

Another Entirely Random Mini-quest. First of all, once a player has finished the Sheild of Arrav quest, then they speak to Reldo who asks them if they wish to read the story of the Sheild of Arrav. Then when they close it, Reldo informs them that the Museum Curator needed a job for somebody. So they go to the Museum Curator who informs them of a mad scientist who resides in Draynor Manor and has built a TIME MACHINE! He explains he would like someone to go back in time and attempt to retreive the Sheild of Arrav before it is lost. You go and speak with the scientist who tells you that you have 10 mins for back or your stuck!

So that you return in time and find Arrav and explain to him your situation. He then tells you that he cant surrender the sheild to somebody just like you. ("a weakling" he calls you since he's like level 300. Then you say you will help him stop the invasion if he allows you to maintain the sheild afterwards. (in all this you never ceased to think what could happen to the future!?) Arrav gives you the defense and you go back. But when you arrive, there's no more a scientist.

The device is still there but you are standing in the middle of no-were, (where draynor use to be) so that you go to varrock. They view you as meals and (depending on what level you're ) attack you. So you go to the Museum and its not that. Then a standard person comes out of a cellar in the building you are in (you think its the memorial ) and takes you under floor level.

Then you ask what is happening. He states,"what!? Have you ever been living in isolation for the past 1000 years?" . You can not do anything but agree so he sighs and clarifies that after Arrav gave the sheild into a stranger thinking the war was won, more zombies emerged from the floor. They took over varrock. So you say to yourself you need to return and return the sheild. You return to where Draynor was go back in time once again.

Then, more zombies come from the ground. This is exactly what the guy was discussing. The second wave. You struggle to get through them and give the sheild into arrav. Then,the wicked king Arrav sacrifices himself to the city. After a thank you by the locals, you head back to the current. Draynor is back however, varrock remains overrun with zombies. You head into town and inform the townsfolk to make a stand and that you fought alongside the mighty Arrav so they ought to respect you. They come out and buy RuneScape gold retake the city back. Then it shows a video of the scientist ruining the time system. Then thats the ending!