The Adventurer then finds him self trudgeing through the snow encrusted mountains of trollheim close to the place she found the trollweiss for RS gold Ug's love intrest. A cut scean reveals our hero being captured by snow imps and hauled into the Snow Queen's lair. She asks why you are traspassing and you tell her story. The Snow Queen adamently denies steeling Spot the Dragon and throws you in the clink stripped of your gear. Her guards will ignore things like capes, rings of recoil, magical amulets, potions, and meals.

A very nasty roomate is going to become your prison companion. . You then need to conquer the troll with no armor or weapons, and select your way out of this jail. Once free, you'll have to play sneaky ninja past the snow imp guards and escape the mountain useing the agility obstacle corse while preventing ice wolves.

When you arrive at the bottom of the mountain you will be surounded by wolves at another cut scean where you're eaten when the WOM will teleport in. He will make quick work of those wolves utilizing a red chinchompa and then teleport both of one to Draynor.

Talk to the WOM. Your most welcome, least I could do if I realized Spot had just become one of my bottomless chests and has been chunking snowballs from it. The Snow Queen took all my armor, I nearly got crushed by a troll, and eaten by wolves. . .and all this time your furry friend was concealing in...a. . .chest? Yes indeedy. Can I have that book today? . .and here is your armor back. How. . .never thoughts I don't wish to know.

When you read the book you understand that you need the blood of a royal fairy to get the spell to work. Then you head to Zanaris, inform the Queen, who gladly donates a drop of her blood for the charm, and provides you the resulting magical tablet. Dial to Yu'buisk, utilize the tablet on the sarcophogus and a cutscean demonstrating you being sucked into another universe occurs. From the times a A diplomat into Lunar Isle you reconize that the Oneiromancer who once more tests you around 5 distinct things based on skills that you do in Runescape.

The initial test will be fletching. You will find yourself on a plane filled with trees, two chests and a testing agent. Talk to the testing agent who will provide you a riddle that cheap OSRS gold you need to solve to determine which tree to cut and everything to fletch the wood to.