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After publishing our initial narrative, Blizzard has upgraded the minimal system requirements for its forthcoming Shadowlands expansion. According to the new updated specs, players may still use the usual HDD even though the experience may be changed because of the performance of the drive.WoW Shadowlands Requires an SSD to Perform, Blizzard Says; Shadowlands Pre-Patch 9.0.1 Expected To Publish Between September 22 and 29

The system requirements for the upcoming World of Warcraft Shadowlands growth have been updated, and based on Blizzard, an SSD drive must perform the growth. Past expansions, such as World of Warcraft most recent Battle for Azeroth expansion, didn't mention an SSD as a platform requirement. For reference, Battle for Azeroth requires an HDD (7200RPM) with at least 70GB of free space.

Like system requirements, Blizzard does notice that system demands may change over time due to potential changes being made to World of Warcraft.

Lately, while Blizzard expressly says an SSD is required to at least be able to play Shadowlands, World of Warcraft players are reporting the bet

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