Well, the issue is making it too simple, this aion classic kinah is an MMORPG and a Classic server of Aion not, So it should be as it had been if not what is the point? You say it requires a lot of time to level up and you're right, but that is the point!

This is not a mobile game that you can just make it AFK or a game in which you can pay for into the top level, and I feel this is chiefly focused on the old participant base while I do agree some areas of the leveling was slow, but that is how it was. You might say people do not have that much time anymore we are not kids anymore.... and?

In 2009-2010 I had just started college and had to work also, because of the I was just able to perform 2-3 hours a day and enjoy most of the"grinding" and leveling, some of my legion-mates were busy with work and life, ofc there were people who could play 6-7 hours every day but not even one would believe - Oh I am busy so this match should be faster to level up since"I" can't place the time...

You cant place the time that is ok, folks have different responsibilities and schedules but this genre was created for a slow burner, that is among the reasons why the genre remains in life-support because they attempt to make it fast and simple when this ought to be challenging and rewarding at precisely the same time, you would not ask an FPS game to have an auto-aim right?

P.D. I really do agree with creating the leveling a bit faster, but NCsoft has shown many times they can not control their greed and if they're given a little explanation, they will fill the game in the first 2 weeks with P2W stuff.

I can definitely see where you are coming out, but I am confident it will be far from'too' easy. It is still going to have a month or 2 at minimal for casual players to reach max level, even when they are playing everyday. The grind will still be there, we will nevertheless be doing FT many many times, grinding many elites and a lot of repeatable quests to go from 30-45, it's just going to be less than it was at launch.

I recall launch had double xp weekends also every 1 - two weekends (EU did anyhow ), and it was excruciatingly slow. I expect there'll be a mix of folks reaching 50 inside a month who know the game inside out and also have a great deal of free time, along with euro aion classic buy kinah others that take 2-3 months casually playing or spending time on crafting/gathering skills instead.