Top 10 App Store Optimisation (ASO) Tips for Digital Publishers

Increasing numbers of publishers throughout the world have caught on to the power of magazine and news apps. These apps offer opportunities to reach more online customers online while improving users’ reading experiences.To get more news about Ios App Store Optimization, you can visit official website.

Nonetheless, simply creating a mobile app and releasing it isn’t enough. There are approximately 2 million apps in Apple’s App Store and 2.9 million apps in the Google Play store. The opportunity is there, as there are more than 3.5 billion smartphone users (and growing), but the near-saturation of app stores makes it difficult to cut through the noise.

Because of this, it’s critical to develop a plan to stand out in such a crowded field of competitors. In this article, we want to explore app store optimisation (ASO). Specifically, we will discuss what it is, why it is important, and 10 tips on how to optimise your app.App store optimisation is similar to search engine optimisation (SEO) in that you are trying to maximise the visibility of your app in app stores. The goal is to become more visible in both search and when users browse certain categories. By becoming more visible, you will see increased traffic to your listing and more total downloads.

One of the best parts of app store optimisation is that it is free. Compared to expensive social media or other marketing campaigns, ASO is extremely cost-effective. That said, even though it is financially inexpensive, it isn’t completely free. ASO requires a deep understanding of how app stores work. As a digital publisher you also need to understand the target user base. Finally, you must know the potential keywords that your targets are using when searching for magazine and news apps.
From these app store optimisation basics, you may still be wondering why ASO is so important. Essentially, it comes down to the fact that ASO is an efficient way to leverage user behaviour.

All we need to do is look at statistics from Google. According to one study from Google, 48% of users discover apps through app store browsing. They open the Google Play Store and browse for an app that provides value for them. Because of this, browsing and search are extremely important methods for discovering new apps. ASO can help your magazine or news app stand out from competitors’ apps, making it more likely that new users will discover your app through simple browsing.Now that you understand why app store optimisation is so important, I want to share a checklist that can help you with your ASO work. In this checklist, you will see that we have included our ten favourite ASO tips.

I encourage you to use these tips as you focus on ASO. While you may not see a boost in your app store rankings right away, following this checklist will go a long way in helping potential users find your magazine or news app.The title of your app is extremely important. You must ensure that you have a title that reflects several things. First, it must reflect the core keywords that are used to describe your app (more on this below). It also must reflect the value that you are providing to your users.

While both of these objectives must be met, there is a problem. An app’s name cannot exceed 30 characters. In the past, app developers had up to 255 characters for a title. Because of this, developers hired SEO specialists stuffed keywords into the title. While you can’t do this anymore, the subtitle is an area where you can still include relevant keywords.

The rule of thumb? Use a unique title that is descriptive and perhaps includes one keyword. You can add additional details and keywords in the subtitle.