Idk the reason, but for Asmongold specifically, it's his main source of income. Even he has admitted that there is no market for his expertise. Other people I can understand in a way, particularly in WOW Burning Crusade Classic Gold the case of buying these micro-transactions. However, for a lot of us, even if we do not agree with the direction ActiBlizz is heading the desire to participate in TBC is greater.

It's correct. I believe buying the boost is a bad idea and sets negative precedents. I agree with you that he should stay away from microtransactions just like (I think?) Retail stores do. However, I am not informed about his thoughts. I honestly don't watch his videos often, or any other streamer, except for the odd youtube video.

There isn't a thing as WoW. It's entirely a decision you take part in it, and isn't an essential requirement. Entertainment is a fundamental requirement. However, it is possible to get entertainment anywhere else and not support a sham company. It isn't easy to leave the society.

Even though you have great arguments, you are actually arguing with others that are less than you. I've yet to meet someone who looks at their own life and declares "this home is absolutely perfect and my job is flawless, my car is perfect and my friends are excellent, the price of everything I buy is just right," and so on. We are imperfect in all aspects of our lives. It is perfectly reasonable to criticize something and still use it. It's when it becomes hypocritical that it crosses the line of being sloppy and unworthy of your time. That's just a sad existence.

I am laughing I joke, but in a serious way, I believe that focusing on how much it costs to make something as an indicator of pricing is fundamentally flawed in the present day. Nestle's production of water bottles is an example. Nestle has to pay $500 for every million litres of groundwater that they pump out of Ontario. It's about 1/20th cents per litre, that is enough to fill 2 bottles.

They must pay for their equipment, infrastructure maintenance, and employees. Even though their product isn't free, I wouldn’t be shocked to see an astronomically large margin.

The price is what the market will support This is the primary obstacle for handmade goods and high-quality local production being viable, because usually the price to produce is more expensive than the market is willing to pay.

The most prolific suckers on the world are the people who purchase the bottled water. It's literally the identical water that flows out of the tap. The amount of plastic produced is literally contaminating the oceans, landfills, and many other places. People who claim to be eco-friendly can still drink the bottled water.

Yes, it is. But that's only one instance. Whatever way you look, there are an inordinate amount of cases and examples of production costs that do not drive the price of a product. What price would you set for IT when it is based on inputs? If you hire a plumber do you pay them based on the supplies used? Do you require for them to justify their buy WOW TBC Classic Gold hourly charge based on their costs for developing the skills and earning their certificates? What is the best way to price investments and other securities when there is no charge to store them?