The reason I am unsure is that WOW TBC Gold my problem lies in the problem that my version Windows 10 does not have the most current DWM, Desktop Window Manager the refresh rate code. This means that when I play WoW on my primary monitor had be synchronized to the rate that my GPU was able to achieve, which is usually not more than 144 FPS, it would encounter a problem. Since my second monitor was running at 144hz, the DWM could cause an increase in brightness as it would drop the frames on my main monitor.

Prior to that I was running my primary at 144hz, while my second running at 60 Hz. I was unaware of itdue to the fact that DWM had, unbeknownst, kept both framerates at 60. I was still experiencing flickering occasionally, but I realized that any solution to it eventually led to my in-game FPS dropping to 60.

The flicker I saw was reproduced when I made. Even when there were no mods running during the process of turning scraps of leather into leather for instance I would get a slight flicker upon the completion. My mods that I have used are running and I am having no issues.

What's the best computer? Which resolution are you using? Are you using gsync, or freesync? Are you aware of the maximum number of fps that your display can handle? Are you running your monitor at a a high refresh rate? I think it's probably a computer problem. How much of your GPU is it consumed while playing? What percentage of load your GPU is exposed to during play?

Raid had issues with me for a couple of weeks. I had been trying out addons and was having problems. The issue was fixed by disabling details streaming (I believe that's the term it's called, I'm not connected to the internet atm).

If you're using Rivatuner try to disable it. It caused the game's freeze but not the stuttering. I'm using the game's fps cap, however, often I experience stammering, and buy WOW Burning Crusade Classic Gold I think it's caused by add-ons and it's much more frequent in the case of multiple clients like every 10-20 seconds.