Electric and Electrostatic Spraying utilize power-assisted spraying machinery in lieu of manually-powered chemical spraying. The machinery also breaks down 1 traditional manual-sprayer size droplet into many smaller micron droplets, allowing for more even coverage of a targeted area.
Electrostatic Sprayer Supplier's Electrostatic spraying goes one step further as it charges the chemical droplets as they leave the machine. Once the droplets are released, they seek objects and surfaces more readily. The assures an even greater coverage of the chemical disinfectant, even in hard-to-reach places.
Why Is Electric And Electrostatic Spraying Better Than Conventional Cleaning Methods When Disinfecting?
Electric and electrostatic spraying assures more even coverage of surfaces including assisting to cover evenly every button on the elevator or areas of a desk with disinfecting chemicals; where conventional spray and wipe is effective, it can leave heavier residues in certain areas.
Additionally, these tools are a huge time saver. Most disinfecting chemicals require a 10 minute dwell time to be the most effective, and you can cover and re-visit a far larger area in that 10 minute waiting period than you would with a traditional manual sprayer. Also, in some cases, the Electric Sprayer is able to spray with such small droplets that a residual wipe down is not required.