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Nintendo says Tom Nook is a hero. Theyre right, and not for the reasons you think.

Before the finish of 2020, New Horizons outperformed in excess of 31 million units sold. The establishments past smash hit title and last mainline game, 2012s Animal Crossing: New Leaf, sold not exactly a large portion of that at 12.82 million. Be that as it may, while New Leafs fan local area went on for pretty much 10 years, numerous players have effectively dropped New Horizons, to some extent since a portion of its center frameworks are aggravatingly restricted and more disappointing than fun. For long-lasting fans and novices to the series the same, the freshest section missed the mark concerning the sort of UI players have generally expected from a cutting edge game. In the mean time, the people who stayed close by were left to partake in a simple stream of new substance and updates.