At present, Blizzard will launch a good thing every two months, I think this should encourage everyone to subscribe to World of Warcraft. Recently, for all transmog lovers, they ushered in the cute murloc babies.

Blizzard executives have realized as early as ten years ago that if World of Warcraft has nothing new in the foreseeable TBC Classic Gold future, there is still a way to attract players.

This year, players seem to have encountered a content shortage again. WOW Patch 9.1.5 mainly focuses on a more comfortable, balanced and feel-good atmosphere. And WOW Patch 9.2 may not be able to land on PTR until Thanksgiving. So, what is Blizzard doing during this period? They provide us with good things in the game every two months, and some players have chosen to continue to subscribe to World of Warcraft for 6 months. If you buy it now, the price is 14.99 euros.

For all potential subscribers who refused to subscribe to World of Warcraft in November 2021, there is now an item that may be what they want.

Just need to subscribe to World of Warcraft in the store for 6 months, and consumers will automatically get a brand new super cute murloc baby.

Moreover, Murloc babies have three different templates. Grrgl's spotted Torneister, Flrrgl's trembling Torneister or Mrrgl's shiny Torneister. Their colors are green, red and blue respectively. You can take the murloc baby to explore Azeroth, the Shadow Realm or more distant places.

Currently, players who have a subscription period of 6 months and renew in the future will be able to get the Murloc Baby Transmog for free before December 2, 2021. However, remember to redeem before June 30, 2022.

Finally, if you want to obtain a large amount of WOW TBC Gold in the easiest and fastest way, buying some from a reliable supplier will be your best choice. MMOWTS started its Black Friday event on November 23, and this event lasted until November 30. During this period, players only need to Buy WOW TBC Gold enter the promotional code "Friday" at the time of settlement to receive a 5% discount. This is a rare opportunity to accumulate WOW TBC Gold, I hope everyone will not miss it!