Money Heist Token Introduction

  • Market Research
  • Online Gaming
  • BlockChain Based Gaming
  • Play-To-Earn (P2E)
  • Money Heist Token Game Solution
  • Introducing Money Heist Token Game
  • Money Heist Tokenomic
  • Money Heist Token Roadmap
  • Team
  • Conclusion


The play-to-earn crypto gaming ecosystem is ready for disruption. As it stands, there is no single platform where blockchain gamers can go to access multiple play-to-earn gaming options. Even popular play-to-earn gaming options are only appealing to a limited audience. Money Heist Games is positioning itself to be the equivalent of the Google Play Store or App Store in the play-to-earn sphere. It will give unprecedented play-to-earn optionality to blockchain gamers and will also provide the necessary tools for developers to launch their games to an already established user base. Both blockchain gaming and play-to-earn games are experiencing exponential growth. With its cutting-edge infrastructure, Money Heist Games anticipates that it will capture a significant share of this rapidly growing market.


Valued at over $300 billion, online gaming is the fastest growing industry in the entertainment world, outpacing the markets for both music and movies. Over 500 million new gamers were onboarded in the past three years as the share of netizens that participate in gaming continues to grow. Blockchain gaming is also capturing a growing share of the online gaming market and this trend has accelerated with the emergence of play-to-earn games. However, the current ecosystem is not void of limitations with significant gaps in the current play-to-earn

Blockchain-Based Gaming

Blockchain-based gaming refers to online games that run on the blockchain or adopt the underlying technology to improve the gaming experience. Blockchain overs several enticing properties to the gaming industry

Decentralized ownership of in-game assets: Gamers are spending billions of dollars in purchasing virtual goods that enrich their experience. However, they do not truly own most of these assets as they are issued and managed by the game’s developer. Using blockchain technology to create in-game assets gives gamers a greater degree of control, allowing them to transfer, auction, or trade-in a decentralized manner|

Permissionless transfer and use: Most in-game assets are confined to the particular game for which they’re created, forcing users to create black markets for trading these goods. In a survey, 62% of gamers noted that they’d be more open to purchasing virtual goods if they could use them across different games while 84% of developers said they’d create such items if there was technology to do so. Blockchain technology facilitates such creation and allows gamers to easily transfer their assets across the underlying network|

Investing: Rather than being only spenders, blockchain gaming incentivizes gamers to invest in in-game assets and tokens that are likely to accrue value over time. In recent years, the top five gaming-focused cryptocurrencies and most of their in-game assets have continued to rise in value.

As a result of these enticing properties, blockchain gaming companies are catching up with their mainstream counterparts. In the first half of 2021, blockchain gaming startups raised $476 million, roughly 9% of the total money invested in gaming companies. The three largest raisers – Forte ($185 million), Animoca Brands ($89 million), and Mythical Games ($75 million) – give evidence that investors are willing to bet on a future where blockchain gaming becomes increasingly adopted.

As it stands, the most widely adopted blockchain games are The Sandbox Evolution and Axie Infinity, which have both reported at least 1 million active daily players in certain instances. Other games, such as Alien Worlds, have secured user bases in the hundreds of thousands. These games highlight that blockchain-based games can attract user bases that compete with those in the mainstream. General interest in blockchain-based gaming has also been rising. Over the past 12 months, search volume and interest for “blockchain games” have risen by 300-400%.

Play-To-Earn (P2E)

A growing number of blockchain-based games allow players to compete for in-game assets that can later be transferred into real world value. This has allowed for the emergence of virtual economies where users participate in gaming activities to generate real world income. This trend has received significant traction in Southeast Asia particularly. Many have turned to play-to-earn (P2E) gaming as a viable income source after COVID-19 impacted their earning capacity. The play-to-earn movement has gained such traction that some governments are planning to create taxation schemes for play-to-earn game developers and players.

Axie Infinity is currently the industry leading P2E game and was responsible for much of the growth in Southeast Asia. The game allows users to breed cute creatures called Axies, which can in turn be used to battle other Axies or compete in quests for rewards in the form of in-game tokens and assets. At this time, Axie infinity boasts at least 250,000 daily active users, and a significant portion of that uptick has taken place in the past year.

While there are up to 220 million cryptocurrency users globally, there are fewer than 10 million gamers within the play-to-earn ecosystem. However, both users and interest has been exponentially growing. In July, there were over 40,000 searches for the term “play-to-earn crypto games”, an over 300% increase from the previous month. Despite the surge in interest, the play-to-earn industry is still in its nascent stages and significant gaps
remain in the market.


Money Heist Games is building a first-of-its-kind ecosystem around earn-to-play blockchain games.
The solution provides a lucrative environment for both gamers and developers, allowing them to tap into the vast opportunities present in the play-to-earn industry. The solution provides players with unprecedented optionality in terms of cutting-edge play-to-earn gaming options. Developers receive the tools necessary to build and deploy their own play-to-earn games.

Introducing Money Heist Token Games

Money Heist Games is introducing a versatile blockchain-based gaming platform that will give gamers unprecedented optionality in the field of play-to-earn. As it stands, blockchain-based gaming and play-to-earn are extremely fragmented with gaming options having vastly different tech stacks and being spread among different chains. Few games have succeeded in achieving significant user bases. Money Heist Games is positioning itself to be a one-stop shop for cutting-edge play-to-earn crypto gaming options. Players will be able to choose from a sublime suite of games while developers can deploy games to an already established user base. Developers will be working from a software development kit (SDK) which will be released in Q1 of 2022. The SDK will ensure that a common standard is maintained among the games.

Money Heist Games is an ecosystem that plays a role similar to that of the Google Play Store or App Store for mobile applications. Even the most successful mobile applications will only be appealable to limited audiences whereas the Google Play Store and App Store will always remain relevant as they act as the gateway to countless mobile application options. Similarly, Money Heist Games will act as the gateway to a myriad of play-to-earn gaming options. By providing such broad optionality, Money Heist Games expands its relevant audience to all blockchain-based gamers, a population that has been growing exponentially over recent years.

Money Heist Token TokoNomics

Total 1,000,000,000,000

  • Presale: 10%
  • Team: 10%
  • Marketing: 10%
  • Paly to earn= 10%
  • Airdrop: 2%
  • Staking: 8%
  • Public Sale: 50%

Money Heist Token Road Maps


  • Presale Start
  • Website launch
  • Socials Launch
  • Marketing Starts


  • Pancake Swap Listing
  • CMC Listing
  • Staking + Farming
  • Youtube Compign


  • Major Exchange Listing
  • Influncer compign
  • AMA with Team
  • NFT Collections


  • Game Lunch


  • Play to Earn
  • Additional Levels


The play-to-earn crypto gaming ecosystem is ready for disruption. As it stands, there is no single platform where blockchain gamers can go to access multiple play-to-earn gaming options. Even popular play-to-earn gaming options are only appealing to a limited audience. Money Heist Token Games is positioning itself to be the equivalent of the Google Play Store or App Store in the play-to-earn sphere. It will give unprecedented play-to-earn optionality to blockchain gamers and will also provide the necessary tools for developers to launch their games to an already established user base. Both blockchain gaming and play-to-earn games are experiencing exponential growth. With its cutting-edge infrastructure, Money Heist Token Games anticipates that it will capture a significant share of this rapidly growing market.
