Best 3D Software for Jewelry Design

3D printing has taken the world by storm in the past two decades and why not? It has replaced the daunting task of molding with a much more efficient one – 3D printing. Thanks to modern 3D printers, creating jewellery design has never been this easier. All you need to do now is to load your 3D designs into a 3D printer and let the printer do the rest of the work. How simple is that?To get more news about best jewelry designers, you can visit official website.

However, you still have to design a 3D model of your jewellery in 3D modeling software. 3D software will help you with modeling your jewellery designs. In that case, choosing the best 3D software based on your needs and requirements is an absolute necessity, let’s look for the same in this article.
RhinoGold is another version of one of the most popular 3D modeling software Rhino 3D which is quite popular amongst architects and industrial designers from all across the globe. Since RhinoGold is dedicated to jewellery designing primarily, it’s stuffed with features that’ll help you in creating your jewellery designs with the topmost efficiency.
RhinoGold has features that are specifically tailored for jewellery designers to help them create exceptionally detailed jewellery designs. It has a vast range of jewellery components that you can combine to create your version of the jewellery. You can modify preloaded designs of rings, bracelets, halos, pendants, etc, to sharpen your skills. Furthermore, you can create jewellery from scratch to showcase your art and creativity to the world.
Jewellery CAD Dream is one of the most polished and feature-packed software designed exclusively for aspiring and professional jewellery designers. It has the best-in-class features to take your jewellery design experience to the extreme. Featuring an LED DLP projector for higher accuracy and quality, Jewellery CAD Dream can satisfy your needs as a beginner or a professional jewellery designer.

The Floating glass technology and Protective Layering System (PLS) in the software enable you to work on even the most minute details of your jewelry (for example, its shine and smoothness). Moreover, you can even create a virtual inventory within the software that allows you to keep track of your past work that you can use in your future projects.

In addition, this feature is helpful for you as a beginner as it’ll allow you to analyze how much you’ve improved over time. Jewellery CAD Dream is one-of-a-kind jewelry modeling software that anyone can easily recommend to beginners and professionals alike.
Even if you’re an absolute fresher to the design industry, it’s highly unlikely that you’ve never heard of Adobe Illustrator. That’s because Adobe Illustrator is so versatile that designers from almost every industry love it, jewelry included. Adobe is known to produce market-dominating software, the legacy carries on with Adobe Illustrator.

Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics software that uses mathematical calculations instead of pixels to draw the image. How does it benefit designers? There is absolutely 0% loss in quality no matter how deep you zoom in, turning your designs into high-definition pieces of art.

The software is primarily used for drawing 2D lines, but they can later be visualised in 3D for better illustration. It features some of the handiest tools a design software can ever provide you with, e.g., fills & stroke, vector, gradients, pathfinder, brushes, etc. Furthermore, you can use different rendering techniques such as isometric drawing, 3-way diagrams, and handmade painting, depending upon your preferences.
MatrixGold is one of the most recommended 3D software in the design industry, particularly jewelry designing. Although the software has a rather steep learning curve, the features it comes up with can compensate for that. Exclusively developed for all the jewellery designers out there, MatrixGold is as feature-packed as RhinoGold but has a bit more jewelry designer-friendly interface.

This software excels in 3D printing jewellery. Utilizing Clayoo, the software’s most efficient modeling plug-in, MatrixGold can bring the designs to life in a breeze using 3D printing. Furthermore, to help you cope up with the never-ending features and toolsets of MatrixGold, it contains tips for various stages to help you understand the software better.

It even comes with a feature called parametric history that allows you to keep track of all changes you make while creating your design. Parametric history helps designers create a non-destructive workflow while designing the jewellery pieces, marginally saving time and money.
RhinoJewel is an alternative to RhinoGold if you’re into designing more luxurious jewelry such as diamond rings, etc. It allows you to present your clients with photorealistic renders of your jewellery designs.

Moreover, despite being extremely feature-packed, RhinoJewel has a smooth learning curve, making it easier for beginners to grasp the fundamentals of the software.

However, RhinoJewel is targeted to a very specific class of designers specializing in jewellery designs for the luxury industry. If you’re a beginner, you may consider choosing a different and more versatile 3D modeling software for jewelry design.