Each person is unique and they have their own preferences, especially in relation to the penis. Every woman's opinion differs. Both genders complain about a range of different issues regarding what size the penis is.

Many people are very worried about their sexual health. Concerns over body shape, penis size, and body shape are typical concerns that women have to voice.

So let's talk about the both genders' and women's views on Penis Size across the Lifespan.

Multiple studies have revealed that 84 percent of women are happy with the standard size which their partner is sporting, but males are more worried about the size of their penis.

Average male penis size-

Men estimate 85% of the typical size of the penis incorrectly They believe that women are content with their larger penis. However, this isn't accurate. The real size is

Based on the reports of experts.

Length of normal flaccid penis The normal flaccid penis -9.16 centimeters (3.61 inches)

Flaccid penis Girth measurements : 9.31 centimeters (3.66 inches)

Average erect penis girth size -

The size of the penis measures 13.12cm(5.16 inches) long.

Erect penis girth measurements - 11.66 cm (4.59 inches)

Does the size of your penis affect women's health?

To be precise: A large penis is important to certain women, however there are more with a different view than those who believe that having a penis that isn't quite average is simply beautiful. For some women, size isn't all that important because they are more likely to be emotionally connected with their spouse.

Does the size of penis really matter?

The size of the penis is not the sole factor that determines the ability of a man to please women or have the pleasures of sexual sex. Size does not affect the performance. It's all about personal preference. Particularly, when it comes to functionality or desire the choice is not important.

Penis size study of female perceptions of sexual satisfaction

Based on the survey on penis size, it was found that penis width is a factor in get women to feel sexually satisfied. This implies that the majority of women do not care about the length of their penis.

A smaller penis is more comfortable to manage, meaning that you are less worried about and concentrate on enjoyment instead of pain. Size doesn't affect women's relationship if they are able to discover what is what makes them and their loved ones content without worrying about size.

Female Sexual Satisfaction

In terms of women's happiness, their sexual pleasure is as important as her financial and relationship. Unfortunately women who are unhappy with their sexual experience are almost double as likely face difficulties with their relationships as well as financial situation.

There is evidence that penis length will not determine sexual pleasure, however, penis width is as I've already said, a factor in determining sexual pleasure.

It's also been observed that women who are self-stimulated are also more likely to be sexually satisfied. It is believed that women who are self-stimulated are aware of their needs and wants.

How to determine penis size(Views on the Size of the Penis)

But, none of the research or research assumes the width, length, or size of the penis. The best method to determine the exact size is to take measurements when the penis is straight.

How to determine the length

Make use of a measuring tape, or ruler and place it on the bottom of your penis erect.

Place your hand on the skinless area of your abdomen, pressing far enough that you can feel your bones underneath.

Measurements should be taken from the bottom of your penis until the point at which it ends.

Penis measurements of width -

Stress or fatigue as well as the frequent sexual activity could influence the width of your penis. In order to find the width that is the most precise you must measure at various intervals throughout the day.

What is an Erection -

An erection is the thickness of the penis. It is usually the result of nerve messages that are sent to the brain. Then, through the brain. They are sent down an avenue that causes the muscles within the corpora cavernosa to relax. The relaxation permits blood to flow through the corpora cavernosa, and fill in the spongy tissues, thereby producing an erection.

How long will the average person stay upright?

In general, an sexual experience can last from just a few minutes up to 30 minutes. However, it can vary substantially due to the many variables that influence the duration of erection.

How do you obtain an sexual erection

The lifestyle, diet patterns, and supplements all influence erections, but should you wish to experience more erections, you'll have to make lifestyle adjustments.

These tips can help enhance the sexual quality of your life;

  1. The focus should be on foreplay.
  2. Try the start-stop method.
  3. Try something different.
  4. Control stress and anxiety.
  5. Stop smoking.
  6. Open communication.
  7. Resolve relationship issues.
  8. Make sure you exercise more.

How to have harder Erections -

However, stronger erections can be maintained by taking a couple of drugs, but if you prefer to do it naturally, follow these suggestions;

In addition to your lifestyle changes Make sure you make things interesting between you and your partner.

Explore different positionsConcentrate less on sexual pleasure. Instead, concentrate on noticing what type of touch is most enjoyable to you.

Talk to your partner about their wants and needs.

What exactly are erection problems??

If a man isn't capable of achieving erections that can be considered sufficient for sexual intimacy this is referred to as problems with erections. This can be caused by psychological or physical causes which can cause erection problems. But, issues with erections do not alter sexual desire however, they could influence the relationship between you and your partner.

OTC Erection pills -

  1. Erectile dysfunction
  2. Impotence
  3. Premature ejaculation

All of these can lead to issues with erections. Erections pills are prescription drugs that aid men in achieving stronger erections which are strong enough to allow sexual intimacy.

But, they are safe, but they should not be used without the permission of a physician.

The doctors can assist you in determining the root of your erection issues and decide on the most effective option for treatment by identifying the risk factors. There are some conditions under which you cannot take prescription medications, which is why consulting with your doctor is crucial.

A few over-the-counter medications include:

Cenforce 100 mg | Aurogra 100 | Nizagara 100 - Sildenafil (Viagra)

Vidalista 20 mg  - Tadalafil (Cialis),

Vardenafil - (Levitra),

How painful is an erection??

The painful erections, which are also known as priapism, are generally not typical and should take note of the length and duration of the sexual erection. There are many reasons behind painful erections; the majority of them are due to an insufficient flow of blood to the penis.

The effects of medication, as well as physical trauma could also cause painful erections. It is therefore recommended to consult a doctor right away when you experience painful erections.