Animal Crossing: New Horizons broke loads of  Animal Crossing Bells latest floor for the series, however the sport should nevertheless contain some functions from beyond video games.

When a villager leaves an Animal Crossing: New Horizons island, it may be a bittersweet second. Losing a villager is not often a fun time, but thanks to the sport allowing villagers to move to cities you have visited, it is viable to peer them again. These villagers understand the player, and it's a pleasing touch that enables make the Animal Crossing world sense a piece extra alive. However, past Animal Crossing games had a chunk extra for "voided" villagers to do.

In Animal Crossing: New Leaf, villagers who had moved away could visit the game's Main Street. Seeing antique villagers once more changed into a fun surprise, and at the Buy Animal Crossing Bells same time as New Horizons doesn't have this region, it could without a doubt comprise a comparable feature that permits past villager to visit after moving away.