As it's absurd bullshit meant to Mut 21 coins placate dumb white people that are easily vulnerable to this kind of marketing strategy. This marketing tactic where businesses express commitments to fight injustice while avoiding specifics regarding what precisely is wrong, what needs to change, and what they are going to do about it. Every single fucking company does this and it is empty rhetoric. That is not worthy of applause. They do not offer a single fuck. This is precisely the identical EA that censored the word"Kaepernick" from a song in multiple games now in an effort to avoid offending their delicate white participant base. So no I am not going to be happy that a company like EA does nothing and expects praise for doing nothing. People catching that and calling out it isn't nihilism. It is realism. What does saying something accomplish?

Don't give companies brownie points for doing the easiest thing. This can be corporate slacktivism, all noise no actions. Donations, shouting out to resources people can use or donate to themselves, doing anything with any substance more than stating"shouts out to oppressed minorities, we'll wait to market to you until you've got some attention to spare?" Or, best case scenario, just announcing a delay without tying it into something entirely irrelevant to them except for its impact on their reveal. It's not, till they wish to feign reevaluate their marketing plan is an act of solidarity. 

Solidarity just means that they agree with their origin, and there's nothing that suggest they do not. Yes, there is, the fact that they have done nothing to benefit anybody but themselves. That they just delay it without claiming that delaying an ad is "in solidarity" with present protests. Do not be a fool that believes there is any weight whatsoever to a corporate entity"carrying a negative" by delaying marketing materials. It is a completely pointless, neutral item and EA deserves no credit for this.

That's a really good point, I had not believed it like that. I get you want to support the cause but what does that have to do with football? The Space Jam Facebook page posted something similar. It attracts attention to the issue and retains it on the issue instead of allowing a distraction from it through their match. And then the whole reaction to it from in and outside the team when he was performing which are directly associated with both the matter and football. NFL players are protesting police brutality during games for many years now. Taking into consideration the game includes the likeness of lots of those characters it is not surprising that EA may do this.

Since a lot of men and women are treating game firms like they're their good, reliable friends. I don't think I've ever seen this happening from the gaming community. They do not see them like any other corporations whose sole purpose is only to get your money. If you changed the name from EA into CDPR, strangely enough that the comments here will be a lot different. They still release trailers for them? It's Madden, who doesn't know what they're getting from the item? Same rationale that Coca-Cola still spends a bunch of money on advertising, even though everyone knows what Coca-Cola is. (And of course, it's worth noting that there is a reason that cheap Madden 21 coins everyone understands what Coca-Cola is...)