The process to Register private limited company in Marathahalli is same as anywhere else in India.

Documents required to register a PVT LTD company.

1.    Any ID proof to show that your resident of India.

2.    Address proof.

3.    Residence address proof (Bank statements or electricity bill can be used)

4.    Rental agreement with noteri.

5.    No objection certificate from business property owner.

6.    If you own the business property, present a property deed or a sales deed to the authorities.

Follow the process below for private limited company registration in Marathahalli.

1: Apply for a digital signature certificate or DSC.

For DSC you need following documents

·       passport size image of the applicant.

·       xerox of address proof with Self-attestation.

·       Xerox of PAN card with self-attestation.

2: Apply for the director identification number.

For Director identification number you need same documents which you had submitted for DSC.

3: Select the name of the company and apply, make sure that your company name is different from all other existing ones.

Follow this criterion while selecting a company name.

·       The company name should be easy to spell and it must be easy to remember.

·       It must not be offensive.

·       It must not violate the existing trademark name.

4: Apply for an EMOA (memorandum of association) and EAOA (electronic article of association).

Memorandum of association (MOA) recommends the extent of tasks of company by listing the main objective and exercises of the company. Whereas the Articles of Association (AOA) gives in what way the tasks and organization will be continued. The two records having crucial significance will be drafted cautiously after meeting of Professional.

5: A certificate of registration will be issued along with a PAN and TAN (tax collection and deduction account number).

 PVT LTD registration service providers in Marathahalli.

The entire process can be overwhelming and confusing for some people, But at consultry with the help of our industry experts we will troubleshoot your problems and make your work easy.

Get in touch with us to get PVT LTD registration in Marathahalli., Feel free to send your enquire to [email protected] or contact us with this Phone number - +917975187793.