What is Fildena 150 Mg Sildenafil?

Fildena 150mg medicine is a well-known name in the market and is known to treat erectile dysfunction in men. This is a prescription medication that can be purchased at local pharmacies and online. This medicine is usually purple in color and triangular in shape. It is also easy to consume. However, it is essential to consult a doctor and obtain a verified prescription before using this medication.

Fildena 150 Mg also contains sildenafil citrate salt, which is the main compound found in other erectile dysfunction medications such as Buy Fildena 120mg and Viagra. Sildenafil citrate is known as a PDE5 inhibitor, which is why it is used as a weapon to combat erectile dysfunction. Sildenafil citrate improves blood flow to the penis and relaxes blood vessels, which further helps in achieving and maintaining an erection during sexual activity.

Uses of Fildena 150

Although Fildena 150 mg is primarily known as an erectile dysfunction remedy, it has other uses as well. Fildena 100mg can also be used for conditions such as premature ejaculation, impotence and pulmonary hypertension. These are some common conditions among men which can be easily overcome with the use of this medicine.

How does Fildena 150 Mg work?

The main function of Buy Fildena Super Active is carried out by sildenafil citrate, which is the active component present in this medicine. Typically, when a man is aroused, the body produces nitric oxide in the penile region, which increases cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) levels.

The enzyme phosphodiesterase type 5 or better known as PDE5 damages cyclic guanosine monophosphate and is responsible for obstructing blood flow to the penile region and hardening the blood vessels, which prevents an individual from having an erection.

The active ingredient Sildenafil Citrate in Fildena 50mg blocks this enzyme, thereby allowing blood vessels to relax and enlarge and provides essential blood flow to the penile region.

How to take Fildena 150 Mg?

To take Fildena 150 mg, you will need a prescription from a certified health expert as this medicine can only be purchased with a prescription. It is also important to consult a doctor before taking this Buy Fildena professional 100mg, as taking it without prior knowledge would have unpleasant consequences. 

Fildena 150 mg can be taken with water approximately thirty minutes before sexual activity or as directed by a doctor. It can be consumed on an empty stomach or with meals. However, it is recommended not to eat a large meal before taking this medicine, as this may delay the effect of the medicine or prove ineffective in some cases.

Additionally, it is highly recommended not to exceed the recommended dosage of Fildena XXX 100mg as this could lead to negative results such as headache, vomiting, dizziness, back pain, facial flushing, muscle pain, indigestion, etc. Generally, one Fildena 150 mg tablet is enough for one day and no additional tablets should be taken within 24 hours. 

Benefits of Fildena 150

Many users have reported great results after using Buy Fildena 200mg. The drug Fildena 150 mg is mainly intended for men suffering from erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is quite common contrary to what people think. Many men feel insecure about this disease and therefore try to hide it or end up opting for mistreatment. In such cases, the use of Fildena 150 mg is extremely beneficial and time-saving. However, this medication is beneficial for the following reasons:

       Positive treatment for erectile dysfunction can boost a person's confidence and overcome all their insecurities. Fildena 25mg not only cures erectile dysfunction but also improves self-esteem and helps fight all possible insecurities.
       Men suffering from erectile dysfunction also suffer from other external factors like anxiety, stress and relationship problems that make them unhappy. Fildena 150 mg also helps men overcome these problems by treating erectile dysfunction and improving their overall health.


The dosage of Fildena 150 mg should only be decided by a health expert as it is a Buy Super Fildena that can only be purchased with a prescription. Before using this medicine, a person should talk to a health specialist who can provide you with proper advice on how to use it and when to use it.

Generally, the recommended dosage of Fildena 150 mg is one tablet per day for a normal person. But the dosage may change depending on the person's health, age, medical history and severity of erectile disorder.

You can take one Fildena CT 50mg tablet with water every day. It can be taken with food or on an empty stomach. However, it is recommended to avoid foods high in calories, as they can hinder the effect of the medication and delay its action.

Missed dose

If a person forgets a dose of Fildena, they should take it immediately as soon as they remember. But if Buy Fildena Chewable 100mg is almost time for the next dose, you should skip the missed dose and take the next dose instead. It is strongly recommended to avoid double doses in all cases. Additionally, one should be careful in such situations and consult an expert before making any changes on your own.

It is essential to remember that Fildena 150 mg should only be taken when necessary, usually around an hour before sexual intercourse. Timing is very important because it affects the start of the action. Therefore, if a person misses a dose and the scheduled dose time has passed, then they should wait until the next time.