I received  the New Horizons Items in May, I have built up about 230hrs onto it and I am still enjoying it. I really don't play every day like I did when I first got it, but most days of the week I will open it up and get a few things done.

I haven't got a set idea of what I wish to achieve with it, but as I run around occasionally I'll pick up an item which inspires a fresh idea for an empty space or I'll see something in IRL that has the same affect. I find ways to keep it interesting for me personally.

Granted, there are some items I discover time-consuming, but it is nothing others have not discussed at length - amounts if buying/crafting, more variety of interaction with villagers - but those matters are not deal breakers for me.

Edit: I will also add this is the primary AC game I've playedwith.

I love New Leaf. Probably 300+ hours in it. New horizons sucks for me since the crafting is restricting and dull, breakable tools are bullshit, qr codes are all secured behind online, and it seems like a grindy mobile game--with all the nook miles especially. . .intense, in words that are respectful.

Sorry I don't have a positive review for you, but I outlined my reasons more clearly than"just boring"

I like the game. I think if they genuinely indicate they mean to evolve the match, and not do the BS that GameFreak does with Pokemon(where they include a new mechanic but buy Animal Crossing New Horizons Bells remove so much that it feels like a step backward ), then I am excited about that.