Once a mortal mage of Shurima, Xerath sought the forbidden secrets of ancient power. His obsession led him to betray his comrades and bind himself to the arcane energies of the buried Sun Disc. Transformed into an embodiment of raw magic, Xerath now seeks to unleash his boundless power upon Runeterra. When you embark on your journey, mmowow accounts can lend a helping hand when you need help.

Gameplay Position and Overview:
Xerath is a long-range mage in League of Legends, known for his ability to deal massive damage from a safe distance. He excels at poking down enemies, controlling team fights, and sieging objectives with his powerful spells.


Arcanopulse (Q): Xerath fires a long-range beam of energy in a target direction, dealing damage to all enemies hit.
Eye of Destruction (W): Xerath summons a zone of magical energy at a target location, dealing damage to enemies within and slowing them.
Shocking Orb (E): Xerath launches an orb of energy that detonates upon hitting an enemy champion or reaching maximum range, stunning all enemies hit.
Rite of the Arcane (R): Xerath channels for a few seconds, then releases a barrage of arcane energy in a target direction, dealing massive damage to all enemies hit.
Skill Order and Gameplay:
Max Q first for increased poke and wave clear, then W for zone control and utility, and E last for additional crowd control. Start with Q for early lane pressure, then prioritize R whenever available for maximum burst damage.


Primary: Sorcery
Arcane Comet: Provides additional poke damage, especially when combined with Xerath's long-range abilities.
Manaflow Band: Helps with mana sustain in lane and during extended fights.
Transcendence: Grants cooldown reduction, allowing Xerath to use his abilities more frequently.
Scorch: Adds extra damage to Xerath's poke in the early game.
Secondary: Inspiration
Biscuit Delivery: Provides sustain and extra mana in the early game.
Cosmic Insight: Lowers cooldowns for summoner spells and item actives.

Ludens Echo: Provides mana sustain, burst damage, and additional wave clear.
Sorcerer's Shoes: Enhances Xerath's poke damage with magic penetration.
Rabadon's Deathcap: Amplifies Xerath's ability power, increasing the damage output of his abilities.
Void Staff: Increases magic penetration, allowing Xerath to shred through enemy magic resistance.
Zhonya's Hourglass: Offers protection from assassins and divers with its active ability.
Gameplay Tips:

Early Game:

Abuse Xerath's long-range abilities to poke down your opponent and control the lane.
Use Eye of Destruction to punish enemies who try to engage or farm under the turret.
Mid Game:

Rotate to other lanes and assist with sieging objectives like towers and dragons.
Look for opportunities to catch enemies out of position with Shocking Orb or Rite of the Arcane.
Late Game:

Stay safe in the backline during team fights, using Xerath's long-range abilities to poke down priority targets.
Save Shocking Orb and Rite of the Arcane to peel for yourself or burst down enemy carries.

Standard Combo: Q (Arcanopulse) > W (Eye of Destruction) > E (Shocking Orb) > R (Rite of the Arcane).
Engage Combo: E (Shocking Orb) > W (Eye of Destruction) > Q (Arcanopulse) > R (Rite of the Arcane).
Recommended Team Compositions:

Poke Composition: Xerath works well with champions like Caitlyn, Jayce, and Lux for long-range Poke and sieging potential.
Protect the Carry: Pair Xerath with tanks and peelers like Braum, Janna, or Sejuani to keep him safe while he dishes out damage from the backline.
Hard Engage: Combine Xerath with champions who can initiate team fights, such as Malphite, Leona, or Amumu, to capitalize on his long-range follow-up damage.
Xerath's ability to control the battlefield from afar makes him a potent mage in League of Legends. By mastering his positioning, skill shots, and ability combos, players can dominate the mid-lane and lead their team to victory.

Early Game:
In the early game, trading with Viktor is all about utilizing his range advantage and poke potential. Use your abilities, particularly your empowered auto-attacks from your Q, to harass your opponent while maintaining good wave control. Keep an eye on your mana usage and manage it wisely, as Viktor can quickly run out of mana if overused.

Mid Game:
As the game progresses, Viktor's mid-game power spike comes from completing his first major item, typically the Hex Core upgrade. This is where he starts to excel in team fights and skirmishes. Look for opportunities to roam to other lanes or secure objectives with your team, using your Gravity Field (W) to set up picks or peel for your allies.

Late Game:
In the late game, Viktor's damage output becomes significant, especially if he has completed multiple Hex Core upgrades and other core items. Positioning becomes crucial, as Viktor wants to stay safe while dealing damage from the backline. Use your Chaos Storm (R) to zone enemies or punish them for overextending, and rely on your crowd control to protect yourself and your carries in team fights.

Handling Different Engage Styles:
Against champions with strong engage tools like Malphite or Leona, it's important to maintain distance and use your Gravity Field and Siphon Power (Q) shield to protect yourself from their engages. Viktor thrives in team fights where he can poke and kite enemies, so positioning and awareness of enemy threats are key.

Why Xerath is a Great Pick:
Xerath is an excellent choice for players looking for a long-range mage with high burst damage potential. His abilities allow him to poke down enemies from afar while staying relatively safe. Additionally, Xerath's ability to control team fights with his zoning and crowd control makes him a valuable asset to any team. However, when some players choose to further explore and become familiar with a certain hero, some players will choose a safe and reliable supplier for buying League of Legends skins.

In-depth Analysis of Xerath's Strengths and Weaknesses:
Xerath's strengths lie in his long-range poke and burst damage, allowing him to pressure opponents and control objectives from a safe distance. However, he is immobile and vulnerable to all-ins from aggressive champions. Players must position carefully and rely on their teammates for peel and protection.

Tips for Playing Xerath:

Abuse your long-range abilities to poke down enemies before fights break out.
Use Arcanopulse (Q) to scout bushes and check for potential ambushes.
Save Shocking Orb (E) to peel for yourself or catch out priority targets in team fights.

Viktor's versatility and scaling make him a formidable force on the Rift. By understanding his strengths and weaknesses and adapting your playstyle accordingly, you can dominate your lane and contribute significantly to your team's success. Remember to play to Viktor's strengths by utilizing his range and crowd control while being mindful of potential threats and engaging opportunities from the enemy team.