Why develop web applications?

Developing web applications provides a profitable and efficient way to offer aservices and products to users. Therefore, it helps businesses improve their efficiency, scalability, and accessibility.

Advantages of having a web application.

  • Accessibility – Web applications are accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, allowing employees to work from anywhere and customers to access services or products at any time.

  • Cost effectiveness – Web applications do not require software installation on each computer or device, reducing hardware and software costs, as well as maintenance and upgrade costs.

  • Customization : web applications can be customized to meet the specific needs of each company, allowing you to create unique solutions adapted to your requirements.

  • Easy Update – Web application updates can be done centrally by the development team.

  • Integration – Web applications can be integrated with other existing applications and systems, allowing businesses to make the most of the tools they already have.

  • Analytics – Web applications can be designed to collect data and analytics, allowing businesses to gain valuable insights into their performance, customers, and processes.

  • Security : Web applications can be designed to be secure and protect the confidential information of the company and its customers.

Functions in the development of web applications.

1. User Interface (UI) Design:

This design is the first contact that users have with the web application. Therefore, it is crucial that it is easy to use and aesthetically appealing. Developers must work on the UI design to ensure optimal user experience.

2. User Interface (UX) Development:

Experience (UX) refers to the way users interact with web applications. Software development consulting firms must work on the UX to ensure that it is easy to use, intuitive, and satisfying for users.

3. Backend development for web applications:

Developers must work on the backend to ensure that the web application can handle large amounts of data and process requests efficiently. Therefore, it is necessary to take great importance to it, since it is the basis of the operation of the web app.

4. Frontend development in web applications:

This component runs in the web browser. Developers must ensure that the web application has a well-designed user interface and is easy to use. In other words, this is the aesthetic part of the application, so it should have a user-friendly appearance.

5. Testing and debugging:

Extensive testing on web applications should ensure that it works correctly and is error-free. They must also debug any problems that arise in the process. In addition, it must have technical support that is monitoring its operation.

6. Maintenance and updates:

Once the web application is up and running, developers must work on its maintenance and perform regular updates to ensure it continues to function optimally and be secure.

Estimated Cost: Web Application Development

The cost of a web application can vary considerably depending on several factors. These include: The complexity of the application, the number of features and functionalities that you want to include, the platform on which the application will be developed and the development team that will be hired to carry out the project. It can also include expenses in the design and planning phase, in the source code, in testing, and in the implementation of the application. Additionally, additional expenses may be included, such as web hosting and advertising to promote the application.

Additional costs.

You should also include post-launch expenses to correctly determine the cost of the web application. These expenses essentially include application maintenance and bug fixes. Typically, bug checking includes 10% to 25% of the web development budget.

On the other hand, the maintenance cost of the application needs around 20% of the development costs annually. These are the additional features that can influence the cost of maintaining the web application:

Push Notifications – $10 per month on average

Powerful servers - from $20 to $60 per month

Third-party service charges – these charges depend on the type of API.

Web application development process.

The web application development process may vary depending on the methodologies and tools used by each development team, but in general, the steps to follow can be the following:

  • Definition of requirements : In this phase, the needs of the web application are identified, the functionalities are defined and its objectives are established.

  • Design : In this phase, the structure and visual design of the web application is created, including the definition of the architecture, the design of the user interface, the definition of the databases and the selection of software development solutions to use.

  • Development : In this phase, the programming of the web application is carried out, using the technologies selected in the previous phase and following the specifications defined in the design phase.

  • Testing : Once the application is developed, tests are carried out to check its correct operation and correct possible errors.

  • Deployment : In this phase the application is put into production, that is, it is installed and configured on the server so that users can access it.

  • Maintenance : Once in production, the application requires maintenance to ensure its correct functioning and to incorporate new functionalities or error corrections.


Empowering a business with a custom enterprise software development can be a very effective strategy to improve efficiency, increase visibility, and improve customer satisfaction. However, it is important to keep business objectives and customer needs in mind when designing and developing a web application to ensure its long-term success.

Automate your processes and exercise a more unified way of working with web applications that highlight your company from your competition. Request a quote and start evaluating what type of web application would help improve your processes.