"Identity V" is an asymmetric competitive mobile game. If you are interested, mmowow accounts can help you.

The gameplay of the game is novel and unique.
Players are divided into two camps: supervisors and survivors. Supervisors have powerful abilities and their goal is to hunt down and eliminate as many survivors as possible; survivors need to cooperate to complete the decryption of the cipher machine and open the escape door to escape from the manor.

Unique painting style
The Tim Burton-style Gothic painting style is used to create a mysterious and thrilling atmosphere. The characters in the game have their characteristics, with different skills and background stories. The scene design is rich and diverse, which increases the strategy and fun of the game.

"Identity V" Madhouse Map Detailed Introduction
Background Story
Madhouse is a map full of gloomy and terrifying atmosphere in "Identity V". The background setting of this scene is an abandoned mental hospital, which was once a nightmare for many patients and doctors. This place was abandoned because of an accidental fire, and the surviving patients and medical staff left one after another, leaving behind this ruin full of mysteries and horror legends. Nowadays, the madhouse has become an important scene in the manor game, waiting for players to explore and challenge.

Decoration style
The decoration style of the madhouse is full of Gothic horror style. The dilapidated buildings, mottled walls, rusty iron doors, and medical equipment scattered everywhere create a gloomy and terrifying atmosphere. The graffiti and blood on the wall add to the horror element, making the player feel as if he is in a world full of pain and despair.

Game distribution
4 survivors: In each game, 4 players play the role of survivors. Their goal is to find and decode the decoder on the map and then escape from the madhouse.
1 Supervisor: Another player plays the role of the supervisor, who is responsible for hunting down the survivors and sending them to the carnival chair to prevent them from escaping.

How to enter
To enter the madhouse map, players need to select the manor game mode. In the game lobby, select the madhouse map to match. The madhouse map is usually open during specific events or as one of the random maps. Players can enter the map according to the prompts in the game.

Map Analysis
Central Hall: This is the core area of ​​the map, connecting various rooms and corridors. The central hall is large and is a relatively open area.

Ward Area: It includes multiple wards, and the layout of each ward is different. Some wards have beds and medical equipment, which can be used to hide and bypass the supervisor.

Operating Room: There are a large number of medical equipment and beds in the operating room, and the space is small, which is suitable for survivors to circle and hide.

Basement: The basement of the asylum is an important area, usually used as one of the placement points of the supervisor. The entrance to the basement is hidden, and the survivors need to be cautious.

Courtyard: There is also a small courtyard in the asylum. Although the space is open, some many obstacles and bushes can be used to hide and escape.

Refresh Location
The decoder and treasure chest locations of the asylum are randomly refreshed. The following are some common refresh points:

Central Hall
Location: The central hall is located in the core area of ​​the asylum and is the intersection of the entire map. The central hall usually refreshes a decoder, and the location is more conspicuous. Since the central hall has a large space and a wide field of vision, the survivors need to be alert to the appearance of the supervisor when decoding here. Using the open space of the central hall to circle can effectively delay the time of the supervisor. But be careful not to stay in the same position for too long to prevent being locked by the supervisor.
Ward area
Location: The ward area is distributed in various corners of the asylum, including multiple wards and beds. There are relatively more decoders and treasure chest refresh points in the ward area, and the specific locations will appear randomly in different wards. Beds and medical equipment can be used as shelters for hiding and circling. Using obstacles in the ward to hide and circle can effectively avoid the pursuit of the supervisor. Try to decode quickly in the same area to avoid being exposed in a ward for a long time.
Operating room
Location: The operating room is usually located in the middle or wing of the asylum, and the interior is decorated with a large number of medical instruments and operating tables. There may be a decoder in the operating room, usually near the operating table. Due to the small space, the survivors need to pay attention to observing the surrounding situation at any time when decoding here. The narrow space of the operating room is conducive for the survivors to circle and delay the time of the supervisor, but at the same time, they must be careful not to be blocked indoors. You can use medical equipment as a cover to make flexible movements.
Location: The courtyard is usually located in the outer area of ​​the lunatic asylum. It is a relatively open space covered with grass, trees, and some waste. The refresh point of the decoder in the courtyard is relatively hidden and may be hidden next to the grass or trees. The treasure chest may also be refreshed in the corner or hidden place of the courtyard. When decoding in the courtyard, use the surrounding grass and trees for cover to avoid being discovered by the supervisor. The open space of the courtyard is suitable for survivors to move and hide quickly, and flexible use of terrain can increase the chance of survival.

Suitable survivor roles:
Gardener: You can dismantle the carnival chair to increase the chance of the survivor escaping.
Doctor: You can self-heal and is suitable for survival in a more compact map.
Adventurer: You can shrink and hide, and have obvious advantages in surviving in the complex terrain of the lunatic asylum.

Suitable supervisor roles:
Clown: High-speed movement can quickly chase the survivors.
Deer head: You can use the hook to cross obstacles and adapt to complex terrain.
Factory manager: The puppet can block the passage and increase the efficiency of pursuit.

Suitable props:
Flashlight: It can stun the supervisor for a short time and is suitable for use in narrow spaces.
Magic wand: It can be disguised for a short time to escape the pursuit of the supervisor.
Stop bleeding bag: Treat injuries on the map and increase the chance of survival.

Game strategy

Teamwork: In the complex terrain of the lunatic asylum, the survivors need to work closely together, and support and rescue each other. Especially when the supervisor appears, they need to cooperate with cover and rescue.
Circling and dodging: Using the narrow corridors and rooms of the lunatic asylum to circle and dodge can effectively delay the supervisor's time. Familiarity with the structure of the map will help quickly find hiding spots and escape routes.
Decoding strategy: Decode in a dispersed manner to avoid concentrating in the same area and reduce the risk of being discovered by the supervisor. If necessary, you can give up a decoder in time and concentrate on decoding other areas.

Efficient patrol: Be familiar with the map structure, develop efficient patrol routes, and quickly discover and pursue survivors.
Use skills: Make good use of the character's special skills to quickly block the survivors' escape routes. For example, the clown's sprint, the deer head's hook, etc.
Strategic placement: Place puppets or traps at the decoder and the entrance of the passage to increase the difficulty of decoding and escaping for the survivors.

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The Madhouse map is a very challenging scene in "Identity V". It's complex terrain and rich layout bring players a wealth of strategic choices and game experience. The survivors need to work closely together, be familiar with the map, and flexibly use the terrain to escape and decode; the supervisors need to patrol efficiently and use skills and traps to increase the difficulty of the survivors. Through continuous practice and familiarity with the map, players can experience the exciting game fun in the asylum.