What happens if one day you woke up and see a random text message blinking on-screen saying that your package is out for delivery? It might bring you to enjoy that moment with excitement and thrill, but have you ever thought twice before you click that random link in the text. According to the latest reports by some profound reporters, users across the U.S are receiving random text messages with a claim to be from the FedEx SMS phishing campaign. Also if you want to protect your device from unwanted threats like Viruses, Trojans, and Malware then download McAfee antivirus via visit www.mcafee.com/activate.

The mechanism behind the FedEx SMS scam

In this SMS phishing campaign, you will get a text message with a tracking code and a link to enter your delivery preferences. This particular link will redirect the recipient to the hacker’s website that is disguised as Amazon. The listing will prompt the user to take the customer satisfaction survey. Once the user has answered these couple of questions, the survey will ask for personal details with the information related to a credit card to claim a free gift, which comes with a small shipping fee.

The usual luring to get the products takes users to enter all the details with a promise of a 14 day trial to the company. The terms and conditions are as such that, after the trial period, the user will be billed for a certain amount of money per month. When the user becomes the mere victim the text message uses his or her name, to make this scam even stealthier.

How to eliminate the risk of FedEx SMS scams?

So, what preventive measures you can take to stay secured from the FedEx SMS scam? Here are some of the tips and tricks to remain secured from the fraud that occurs online:

  • Be cautious about what you click: You need to stay on alert mode while clicking on the links to check whether they come in the text messages from the trusted sources or not. If you do not know the sender or the content in the SMS, then be careful and avoid the interactions in the messages.
  • Tap on the official source directly: FedEx claims that it will never send messages that prompt you to enter your personal information and credit card details. If you are in doubt about the tracking number then you are requested to visit the official website of the shipping company and then search the tracking number.
  • Enable McAfee Mobile security on your device: Make sure your Mobile is protected with powerful antivirus solutions such as McAfee, which provides a comprehensive set of programs to block cyber attacks. You can download it from mcafee.com/activate.
  • Enable features that block anonymous texts from the internet: There are many cyber criminals who send you random texts from an Internet service portal as it hides their original identities. You need to combat such things by using the feature to block the texts that are sent via the Internet.


It is important to stay updated on the latest virus, malware, and cyber attacks that can become a threat to the mobile as well as to your laptops and computers. It is equally important to download an antivirus for mobile phones such as MacAfee that blocks such infectious attacks.