Sorry, Mike. That's on me, and you don't deserve all the lazy cheap shots you've endured over the years because of what was really a wonderful, shut-up-and-stop-bothering-me-Sam quip.Get more news about best mens air jordan shoes,you can vist!

Plus there's been a fair amount of hypocrisy in recent years about all these supposed social activists who by implication condemned Jordan for his apparent indifference.

Anyway, I figured this was a good time to set the record straight on Jordan's infamous comment because of the much anticipated Last Dance documentary that begins airing on ESPN this Sunday. I'm planning to write this weekend my recollections of what led up to that final season declaration and why it really was inevitable. More on that later, though. I wanted to get to the durable sneakers quote because it was a subject the producers spent the most time on with me when they came to interview me late last year.

The 10-part series is going to be one of the highest ever rated ESPN shows, especially now with all of us in virus hell. Two decades later it's also going to be a wonderful primer for fans who were too young and welcome nostalgia for fans who have mostly forgotten. It will be the history book figures of legend come to life. Michael finally decided to cooperate, and once he does there's generally no better interview.

He seems reasonably secure now, you know, being a billionaire. Ronald Reagan often was called the teflon president for all the goofy stuff he said merely sliding off because he was so beloved. When people would ask me about how Jordan felt given my Jordan Rules book which was considered controversial, I'd often say that I was mostly lint in a snowstorm to Jordan.Anyway, I was a bit curious when the crew was conducting the interviews the last few years and never got around to me after sitting with basically everyone I knew from that era. It actually was something of a relief as I'd done my share of Jordan interviews after—book plug coming here since ESPN is showing advertising, after all—The Jordan Rules, which was the 1991 championship year diary, Second Coming, the 1995 return of Jordan from baseball retirement and the 2014 There is No Next, the Jordan career oral history retrospective that completed my less-than-Homeric Jordan trilogy.

The documentary chronicles that 1997-98 final title season. NBA Entertainment, then run by current commissioner NBA Adam Silver, basically embedded a crew with the Bulls that season. Phil Jackson, especially by then because of the worldwide phenomenon the Bulls had become, protected the privacy of the team like a mother with her baby. Practice and the locker room were off limits. There were famous stories of General Manager Jerry Krause being locked out. But like NFL teams with that intrusive Hard Knocks show, you can't keep out the league.Everyone had to sign waivers later, and Jordan likely didn't give permission. So the film sat around. Probably for Silver family cookouts: "You'll never guess what I have in the basement." Jordan obviously relented, but his two primary gatekeepers, Curtis Polk and Estee Portnoy, are executive producers. Everyone who ever seeks to interview Jordan knows Estee. She's Ms. No.