NBA 2K21 on Xbox Game Pass will include all the NBA 2K22 MT modes included and no restrictions, so it’ll be fully available for every person with a subscription to play if you simply need to try it our or if you’ve fallen off and haven’t been gambling in a while. The announcement for the Xbox Game Pass addition touted some of the game’s features like the MyTeam mode and its included Seasons and Heroes challenges that’ll walk players thru iconic moments in NBA history.

“The MyTeam mode is constantly evolving, whether or not or not it's thru new cards that alternate the meta or new content that gives exciting rewards,a’ a preview of the MyTeam mode read. “Xbox Game Pass participants who join MyTeam today will locate that Season five – Age of Heroes is underway, where your group of superstars from the contemporary age or the golden age of the NBA watch for. Assemble your squad and unharness their powers.”