Everyone says that if time could go back, I would not hurt the one I love; if time could go back, could I restore my love? In reality, time cannot go back, but with a doll and missing its warmth, the scene can be reversed, growing with the memory, and waiting for the next love. My love story about living with a sex doll, maybe you think I'm crazy, but I love sex dolls, and it was the best time of my life.

When it comes to shemale sex dolls, different people have different opinions and ideas. Dolls are not only for obscene purposes, they can also be transformed into beautiful companions and therapeutic agents for emotional intelligence. How to talk about romantic love with a male sex doll? The editor of SexBusiness.com will tell you a romantic story "One Day in the Life of a Real Muscle Sex Dolls".

I fell in love at first sight, I like you.

When I first saw you, I fell in love with you, your eyes, your body.

Let people know about our "home"

My house is pink and it was decorated by my ex-lover. Pink is warm, I hope it brings you a warm home feeling.

My unique "good night"

On the second day of living together, we made our own good night gesture. I crossed my fingers and wanted to pass on my warmth to you and warm your thoughts. Thank you for accompanying me through the days of broken love, and then starting the days of living with you.

My home is waiting for my return

I’m so tired from work, but I cry when I look at the light you left me. The reason why we are moved is because of "love".


That year, I had a fight with my ex and then left with a sigh of relief. When I recalled the scene with the doll, I realized that I was wrong. Anime dolls taught me how to grow.

Social: https://www.youtube.com/@BestRealDoll