Ryel, the Wandering Magus, emerged from the mystical lands of Valoran with a past shrouded in mystery. Once a renowned scholar of arcane knowledge, Ryel's insatiable curiosity led him to explore forbidden realms, where he unearthed ancient secrets and arcane artifacts. However, his pursuit of knowledge came at a cost, as he inadvertently unleashed dark forces that consumed his homeland. Now, wielding his magical prowess as both a weapon and a shield, Ryel roams the world in search of redemption and to vanquish the evils he unwittingly unleashed. When you embark on your journey, mmowow items can lend a helping hand when you need help

Hero Positioning:

Ryel is a versatile mage with a focus on crowd control and area-of-effect damage. His role in the game is to disrupt enemy formations, provide crowd control, and deal significant damage in team fights. Positioned primarily in the mid-lane, Ryel excels at controlling the battlefield and setting up plays for his team.

Skill Overview:

  1. Q - Arcane Blast: Ryel unleashes a burst of arcane energy in a target direction, damaging and slowing enemies hit.

  2. W - Rune of Protection: Ryel places a protective rune at a target location, creating a shield that absorbs damage for allied champions within its radius. Enemies that attempt to pass through the rune are briefly stunned.

  3. E - Arcane Surge: Ryel empowers his next basic attack, causing it to deal bonus magic damage and restore health based on a percentage of the damage dealt.

  4. R (Ultimate) - Arcane Cataclysm: Ryel conjures a massive arcane explosion at a target location, dealing heavy damage to enemies caught in the blast radius and knocking them back. Additionally, enemies hit are silenced for a brief duration.

Gameplay and Skill Point Allocation:

Early Game: Focus on harassing your opponent with Arcane Blast while using Rune of Protection to provide safety and zone control. Maximize Q first for poke and wave clear, followed by W for increased shield strength and duration, and finally E for additional damage and sustain.

Mid Game: Look for opportunities to roam to other lanes and assist your teammates with ganks and objectives. Utilize Arcane Cataclysm to initiate team fights or counter enemy engages. Coordinate with your team to secure objectives and control vision around key areas of the map.

Late Game: Prioritize protecting your carries with Rune of Protection while unleashing devastating AoE damage with Arcane Cataclysm in team fights. Position yourself carefully to maximize the effectiveness of your abilities and provide crowd control for your team. Use Arcane Surge to sustain yourself and deal consistent damage throughout extended engagements.

Rune Setup and Analysis:

  1. Primary Runes - Sorcery:

    • Keystone: Arcane Comet - Provides additional poke damage and synergizes well with Ryel's ability to harass enemies from range.
    • Manaflow Band: Grants bonus mana and restores mana upon damaging enemy champions, alleviating Ryel's mana constraints in the early game.
    • Transcendence: Offers cooldown reduction, allowing Ryel to cast his abilities more frequently and maintain pressure in team fights.
    • Scorch: Adds extra damage to Ryel's poke abilities, further increasing his lane dominance and harassment potential.
  2. Secondary Runes - Inspiration:

    • Biscuit Delivery: Provides sustain in lane and additional mana, helping Ryel stay in lane longer and maintain pressure on his opponent.
    • Cosmic Insight: Grants bonus cooldown reduction on summoner spells and item actives, increasing Ryel's overall utility and effectiveness in team fights.

Recommended Item Builds and Justifications:

  1. Core Items:

    • Luden's Echo: Provides ability power, mana, and cooldown reduction, enhancing Ryel's burst damage and poke potential.
    • Zhonya's Hourglass: Offers armor, ability power, and a stasis active, allowing Ryel to survive burst damage and engage in team fights more effectively.
    • Rabadon's Deathcap: Increases ability power significantly, amplifying Ryel's damage output and scaling into the late game.
  2. Situational Items:

    • Void Staff: Provides magic penetration against tanky opponents, allowing Ryel to deal more damage to high-resistance targets.
    • Morellonomicon: Grant's grievous wounds and bonus ability power, reducing enemy healing and increasing Ryel's overall damage output in prolonged fights.
    • Rylai's Crystal Scepter: Offers health, ability power, and a slow effect on Ryel's abilities, providing additional crowd control and kiting potential.

Early, Mid, and Late Game Strategies:

Early Game: Focus on farming and harassing your opponent with Arcane Blast. Use Rune of Protection to mitigate damage and provide safety in the lane. Look for opportunities to roam to other lanes and assist your teammates with ganks and objectives.

Mid Game: Continue to pressure your lane and assist your team with ganks and objective control. Use Arcane Cataclysm to initiate team fights or counter enemy engages. Prioritize vision control and securing objectives to gain map control.

Late Game: Position yourself carefully in team fights and prioritize protecting your carries with Rune of Protection. Unleash devastating AoE damage with Arcane Cataclysm to turn the tide of battle in your team's favor. Coordinate with your team to secure objectives and close out the game.

Recommended Team Compositions for Ryel:

  1. Engage Composition:

    • Top Lane: Tank or bruiser with engage potential, such as Malphite or Ornn.
    • Jungle: Initiator with crowd control, such as Amumu or Sejuani.
    • Mid Lane: Ryel is the primary mage with AoE damage and crowd control.
    • Bot Lane: Playmaking support or ADC with follow-up engagement potential, such as Thresh or Ashe.
  2. Protect the Carry Composition:

    • Top Lane: Tank or bruiser with peel potential, such as Maokai or Braum.
    • Jungle: Supportive jungler with utility, such as Ivern or Nunu.
    • Mid Lane: Ryel is the primary mage with AoE damage and crowd control.
    • Bot Lane: Hyper-carry ADC or utility ADC with disengage, such as Jinx or Sivir.
  3. Poke Composition:

    • Top Lane: Bruiser or split-pusher with sustain, such as Yorick or Vladimir.
    • Jungle: Pokes or disengage jungle, such as Nidalee or Gragas.
    • Mid Lane: Ryel is the primary poke mage with long-range abilities.
    • Bot Lane: ADC with poke potentials, such as Ezreal or Caitlyn, paired with support that provides additional poke or disengage, such as Zyra or Karma.

Ryel's versatile kit and crowd-control abilities make him a formidable force on the Rift. By mastering his skills, rune setups, item builds, and gameplay strategies, players can unlock Ryel's full potential and dominate their opponents in the mid-lane. With his ability to control team fights, set up plays for his team, and deal significant damage, Ryel is a valuable addition to any team composition and can lead his team to victory with his arcane prowess.

Laning Phase Against Master Yi:

Early Game: Against Master Yi in the laning phase, focus on poking him with Arcane Blast while staying out of his melee range. Use Rune of Protection to shield yourself from his Alpha Strike and mitigate damage. Keep the wave near your tower to minimize his kill pressure and call for jungle assistance if needed.

Mid-Game: As the game progresses, be cautious of Master Yi's roaming potential and split-pushing capabilities. Use Arcane Cataclysm to interrupt his engagement or disengage from unfavorable fights. Coordinate with your team to collapse on him when he overextends or attempts to take objectives alone.

Late Game: In team fights, prioritize peeling for your carries with Rune of Protection and using Arcane Cataclysm to disrupt Master Yi's engages. Focus on applying crowd control and dealing damage from a safe distance, as Master Yi excels in single-target burst damage. Stay vigilant and communicate with your team to shut down his split-push attempts and secure objectives. But for some players, one of the ways to improve the gaming experience is to find a safe and reliable supplier of lol accounts for sale.

Why Ryel is Suitable for Players and Popular:

  1. Versatility: Ryel's kit offers a balance of crowd control, utility, and damage, making him adaptable to various team compositions and playstyles.

  2. Skill Expression: Ryel's skillshot-based abilities require precision and timing, offering a rewarding experience for players who master their mechanics.

  3. Impactful Team Fights: With his AoE damage and crowd control, Ryel can swing team fights in his team's favor and make game-changing plays.

  4. Satisfying Gameplay: Landing a well-timed Arcane Cataclysm or shielding allies with Rune of Protection can provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction for players.

Tips for Playing Ryel Effectively:

  1. Positioning: Maintain proper positioning in team fights to maximize the effectiveness of your abilities while staying safe from enemy threats.

  2. Map Awareness: Keep track of enemy movements and objectives on the map, and communicate with your team to coordinate engages and rotations.

  3. Ability Combo: Practice chaining your abilities together for maximum impact, such as using Arcane Cataclysm to initiate fights followed by Arcane Blast and Rune of Protection to control the battlefield.

  4. Vision Control: Prioritize vision around key objectives to prevent enemy flanks and ambushes, allowing your team to maintain control of the map.

Ryel's Strengths and Weaknesses:


  • Strong crowd control and utility abilities.
  • High burst damage potential with Arcane Blast and Arcane Cataclysm.
  • A versatile playstyle allows for multiple build paths and playstyles.
  • Effective at controlling team fights and setting up plays for his team.


  • Relatively squishy and vulnerable to burst damage.
  • Skillshot-based abilities require precision and accuracy to land.
  • Mana is dependent in the early game, making him susceptible to mana constraints if not managed properly.
  • Limited mobility compared to some other mid-lane champions.

In Conclusion: Ryel offers players a versatile and impactful playstyle, with the ability to control team fights and make game-changing plays. With his crowd control, utility, and burst damage, Ryel is a valuable addition to any team composition and can excel in both the laning phase and team fights. By mastering his abilities and understanding his strengths and weaknesses, players can unleash Ryel's full potential and lead their team to victory on the Rift.